Chapter 2932 Making pastries

   "No, I let him go back first."

   "Is there anything I can do for you?"

   "I don't need it for now, I can solve it."

  Lu Xiaoxiao didn't say anything after hearing Zhang Xu's words, but asked him to come over for noodles first.

  Because what she can do to help Zhang Xu is to take out food, but doing so only treats the symptoms rather than the root cause. Only by solving the root cause can the problem of food shortage be truly solved.

  After Zhang Xu finished eating the noodles, he checked the time and decided to go to Harbin, so he said to the little girl, "I'm going to go to Harbin."

   "Are you planning to start from Harbin City?"

   "Well, since Harbin City leaked the channels for buying and selling grain, it is natural to start from there, but those people in Harbin City dare not do such a thing.

  Therefore, there are other people behind the scenes. I want to take this opportunity to follow the clues and find out who is behind the scenes. "

   "So are you coming back tonight?"

   "I won't come back, I will come back when things are resolved."

   "Okay, if you don't have any manpower, take away those people who live next door. They are familiar with Harbin and can help you with a lot of things."


  After Zhang Xu left, Lu Xiaoxiao became a salted fish again. To be honest, she misses her life in the village very much now, at least she is busy every day without being boring.

   Now she understands why so many people want to take a vacation when they are at work, and want to go to work when they are on vacation.

  After Lu Xiaoxiao lay on the sofa for a while, she didn't plan to lie down any longer, otherwise she would really be a salted fish.

   But what else could she do without lying down? Do you read medical books again? No, she already spends enough time reading medical books every day, and she doesn't want to spend more time reading medical books.

  Lu Xiaoxiao thought for a while, and she planned to spare a few hours every day to make pastries, which would not only pass the time, but also make a little money for her.

  Although she is not short of money now, who in this world would think there is too much money.

Just do it, Lu Xiaoxiao directly took the oven out of the space. Although the oven is very awkward in this era, it is not without it. She remembers that there are already ovens in foreign countries, but the shape may not be as good as the one she took out. .

  But now she is the only one at home, so it doesn't matter if you take out the oven and use it.

  But if she wants to use the oven to make pastries for a long time, she has to go to the yard to build a simple version of the oven, so that the pastries she makes can pass the light.

  After Lu Xiaoxiao considered what she was going to do in the next period of time, she began to take out the materials for making pastries from the space.

  Since she is going to visit Master in Tianshui Village tonight, she plans to make some small cakes.

  Because the small cake is not only simple in materials, but also easy to make, and it is suitable for the masters to eat.

   More than an hour later, Lu Xiaoxiao took the baked cake out of the oven. Since the cake she made this time was a cupcake, she didn't have to wait for the cake to cool before eating.

   Immediately picked up a small cake and took a bite, she narrowed her eyes happily in an instant.

  After eating a small cake, Lu Xiaoxiao stretched out her little tongue and licked her mouth, but she didn't continue to eat the small cake.

  Because she knew in her heart that although the freshly baked cakes were delicious, they were also very hot. If she ate too much, her throat would definitely be uncomfortable tomorrow morning.

  So she waited for the cake to cool before eating it, and she continued to make the cake now.

  (end of this chapter)

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