Chapter 2933 needs to be cautious

  At around five o'clock in the evening, Lu Xiaoxiao took the last batch of small cakes out of the oven, and she sat down on the stool so tired.

  Before she thought that making small cakes was very simple, and it was no problem for her.

  But after this afternoon, she really wanted to give up, because repeating the same steps all the time was not only boring, but also very tedious and tiring, more tiring than her making medicine.

  At least pharmaceuticals can give her a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction, and making small cakes can't bring these things to her at all, but makes her feel like a tool person.

  It seems that she has to think carefully about this matter, otherwise it would be bad if she wants to stop halfway after she spreads out the cards. After all, she is not a person who does things halfway.

  Lu Xiaoxiao sat on the stool to rest for a while, then she got up to pack the small cakes. She used paper cups when baking the small cakes, and the patterns on the paper cups were not from this era at first glance.

  So she had to take all the little cakes out of the paper cups so that she could take the little cakes to the masters.

   Half an hour later, Lu Xiaoxiao finally took out all the small cakes from the paper cups. She counted the number of small cakes and found that she had baked more than 80 small cakes in one afternoon.

  It seems that her movements are quite neat. She baked a small cake for seven ovens in one afternoon.

  If she makes the oven bigger when the time comes, or builds two ovens, then she can bake the small cakes twice as fast.

   Calculated in this way, she is not very tired, so she can follow the plan that she thought up before.

   But these are just her thoughts, and they haven't been tested yet, so when Zhang Xu comes back, she will ask Zhang Xu to help her build the oven first, so that she can verify whether her idea is feasible.

After eight o'clock in the evening, Lu Xiaoxiao used the cover of the night to run towards Tianshui Village quickly. It's not that she doesn't want to ride a bicycle, but that the weather is too hot now, and she will definitely sweat all over when riding a bicycle. .

  Instead of doing this, it is better to use the exercises and run to Tianshui Village. Although it is hot, the speed is twice as fast as riding a bicycle, so she can suffer less.

  When Lu Xiaoxiao arrived at the cowshed, she saw that there was no light in the room, and she didn't know if the masters were asleep.

  Just when she was thinking about whether to leave first or reach out to knock on the door, she saw the door of the room opened, so she immediately shouted to the person who opened the door: "Second Master is me."

   "Come into the room, and we'll talk about the rest later."


  Foreman Xie looked around vigilantly after Lu Xiaoxiao entered the room, and he closed the door when he saw that there was no movement around.

   "When did you come back?" Fan Lao asked Lu Xiaoxiao after pouring him a glass of water.

   "I came back two days ago."

   "Did the trip go well?"

   “It went well, but I also suffered a little bit, but overall it was a good experience.”

"That's good."

   "Master, how is your life in the village? The captain didn't make things difficult for you, did he?"

   "No, although the people in the village said they didn't like us, they didn't embarrass us. They just thought we didn't exist."

   "That's good, it's even better if they don't stare at you, it will make your life more convenient."

  (end of this chapter)

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