Chapter 2934 There is a newcomer

"Yeah, it's really good, but this kind of life won't last long. I heard that another group of people will come here. Don't come here again, or there will be a lot of troubles. If it is serious, it may be serious." Tired of you."

Lu Xiaoxiao frowned slightly after hearing Mr. Fan's words. Although she knew that other people would come here sooner or later, she never thought it would be so soon, so how would she take care of Master and them in the future? what to do?

   "I told you not to tell girl Xiao about this, why are you still saying that?" Seeing Lu Xiaoxiao's sad little look, foreman Xie said to Fan Lao angrily.

   "Is it okay if I don't say it? People will come in a few days. If those people meet Xiao girl at that time, something big will happen."

Although Foreman Xie knew in his heart that what Fan Lao said was right, he felt sorry for the little apprentice. The little apprentice was so small, and he was not yet an adult, so he was worried about this and that for them, which made him, an old father, feel very uncomfortable. .

  Lu Xiaoxiao had no idea what Foreman Xie was thinking. Right now, she was thinking about how to get the group of new arrivals to live elsewhere.

   Don’t blame her for being cruel. After all, human nature is somewhat selfish, and her selfishness is to hope that the people she cares about can live well.

  As for other people, as long as they don't threaten her safety or the safety of those she cares about, she will ignore them all. After all, whether other people live well or not has nothing to do with her.

   "Don't worry, Xiao girl, after such a long period of recuperation, our bodies are much better than before, so even without your subsidy, we can survive." Fan Lao said to Lu Xiaoxiao.

   "I know, but I'm still worried about those people living here, so masters, work with me to figure out a way to get them to live elsewhere in the village."

  Fan and the old four fell silent after listening to Lu Xiaoxiao's words. It's not that they haven't thought about what Lu Xiaoxiao said, but the housing in the village is tight, and there is no house for people of their status.

Seeing the reactions of the masters, Lu Xiaoxiao understood that this method will not work, but she will not give up easily, those people will arrive in a few days, she believes that she will be able to resolve the matter before those people arrive .

  So she said to Fan Laosi: "Masters, leave this matter to me to deal with. You just need to live as before."

"No, you can't take risks, we can live our lives however we want, so you stay in the city honestly, or don't call us masters." Old Fan's eyelids twitched when he heard Lu Xiaoxiao's words Jump, and then he hastily said loudly to Lu Xiaoxiao.

   "I see, I will definitely not mess around, so masters, don't worry.

  By the way, I made a delicious little cake this afternoon, masters, please try it. "After Lu Xiaoxiao finished speaking, she took out the small cake from the basket.

  Professor Wang's eyes lit up when he saw the small cake that Lu Xiaoxiao brought out, because the small cake that Lu Xiaoxiao brought out was very similar to the one he had eaten abroad.

  So he quickly took a small cake from Lu Xiaoxiao's hand, then put it in his mouth and took a bite, instantly he was conquered by the familiar taste.

  Foreman Xie was very upset when he saw that Professor Wang was such a thug and ate the cake before him, so he followed Professor Wang's example and took a cake from Lu Xiaoxiao's hand and ate it.

  (end of this chapter)

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