Chapter 2935 is too careless

   "How is it? Is it delicious?" Lu Xiaoxiao asked after seeing Professor Wang and Foreman Xie finish eating a small cake.

   "It's delicious, it's the same as what I eat abroad, how do you make it?"

   "I learned it from the book, I thought it was delicious, so I made some for the masters to eat."

  What Lu Xiaoxiao said was all the truth. When she first learned how to bake, she groped slowly with a book, but she learned it before she was reborn into this body.

Professor Wang's face immediately changed after listening to Lu Xiaoxiao's words. A large part of the reason why he was brought here was that he had been abroad, so Lu Xiaoxiao had something about foreign countries in his hand. How could it be possible for him to don't worry.

  So he asked Lu Xiaoxiao: "Xiao girl, where did you put the book that you learned how to make cakes?"


   "Why didn't you see it?"

   "It suddenly disappeared. Sometimes I lose track of things, so it's normal for a book to disappear."

   "Then you tell me that there is information about you in that book?"

   "No, I just read that book and didn't write anything in that book."

   "That's good, that's good. In the future, don't tell people that you have read such a book, and don't take out the little cake you made today for others to eat, remember?"

   "Why? Isn't this kind of small cake similar to chicken cake, but it's softer than chicken cake, why can't it be eaten by others."

   "Because the small cake you made is very similar to a small cake I ate abroad. If someone eats it, the consequences will be serious."

After hearing Professor Wang's words, Lu Xiaoxiao understood what was going on. She was indeed careless this time. She had eaten such small cakes in Haishi and Jingshi before, so she thought it was okay to make such a small cake. thing.

  But she forgot to consider where the small cakes would be sold. It seemed that her plan to sell the small cakes was aborted.

Although she had a little regret in her heart, she soon felt relieved. There are thousands of Chinese pastries. Since she can't make small cakes, she can make other pastries, such as mung bean cake, red bean cake, peach cake and so on. very nice.

  After thinking it over clearly, Lu Xiaoxiao said to Professor Wang: "Fourth Master, I understand, I won't make small cakes again in the future, but you can eat what I brought today, as long as no one finds out."

   "Okay, we'll take it this time. If you have it at home, finish it quickly."


   "It's getting late, you should go back quickly, don't come here recently, those people don't know when they will arrive, it's hard to say if you run into them."

   "Then I'll go first. The things I brought are placed in the grass not far away. After a while, you remember to move into the house and hide them, so that no one will find them."

   "Understood, you go back quickly, be careful on the road."

  Lu Xiaoxiao nodded after listening to Professor Wang's words, then she greeted the other three masters, then turned and left the room.

  Professor Wang asked Mr. Fan after Lu Xiaoxiao left, "Mr. Fan, should we continue to hide the things brought by Miss Xiao in the house, or hide them elsewhere."

   "Let's hide it somewhere else. Didn't we dig a small cellar under the trough in the cowshed this spring? Let's hide everything there. No one will pay attention to that place, so it's safe."


  (end of this chapter)

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