Chapter 2936 Empty House (1)

It was past ten o'clock in the evening when Lu Xiaoxiao came home. She touched her hungry stomach and planned to cook a bowl of noodles in the kitchen. Judging from her current small body, she didn't need to think about losing weight for the time being, so Take advantage of the time when you don't have to worry about losing weight, eat as much as you want.

   Half an hour later, she drank the last sip of noodle soup in the bowl, burped in satisfaction, packed up the dishes and went to the kitchen to wash.

  After washing the dishes and returning to the living room, she didn't feel the slightest drowsiness, so she planned to think about the matter of the masters and how to prevent the newcomers from living with the masters.

  It's a pity that she thought about it for nearly an hour, but she didn't come up with a reason, so she planned to go to bed first and figure out a solution tomorrow.

  The next morning, Lu Xiaoxiao was awakened by a nightmare. She dreamed that she and her masters were killed, injured, or injured by the new group of people. In short, no one's misfortune is good.

Although she understands that she thinks day by day and dreams at night, her sixth sense has always been very accurate, so she feels that her dream is not just a dream, but a kind of vigilance, so she can't let those Newcomers live with the masters.

With a sense of urgency, Lu Xiaoxiao didn't dare to continue lying on the bed. She planned to go to Tianshui Village and ask Liu Ermei's family if there were any vacant houses in Tianshui Village. The captain arranged the newcomers to live in the vacant rooms.

   As for how to ask the captain to help her, there is too much room for manipulation, and she will just play by ear.

  After ten o'clock in the morning, Lu Xiaoxiao came to the door of Liu Ermei's house and saw that there was no movement in the yard. She knew that there was no one in Liu Ermei's house, so she had to sit on the bicycle and wait for Liu Ermei's family to come back.

  More than half an hour later, Lu Xiaoxiao saw Liu Ermei, Liu Sanmei, and Liu Simei walking towards her with schoolbags on their backs, so she got off the bicycle and waved to Liu Ermei and the others.

   "Xiaoxiao, why are you free to come to my house today?" Ermei Liu asked Lu Xiaoxiao as she saw Lu Xiaoxiao waving at her.

   "I have something to ask you, so I'm here."

   "Come on, let's go into the room and talk."


After Second Sister Liu entered the room, she asked Sanmei Liu to pour water, and then she dragged Lu Xiaoxiao to sit on the kang, and then asked Lu Xiaoxiao, "Xiaoxiao, you said you wanted to ask me something, what is it? "

   "Do you know if there is a vacant house in the village?"

   "I know, why are you asking this? Do you want to go back to the village?"

   "No, it's not that I want to live, but let someone else live."

   "Who is it?"

   "Don't ask so many questions. Knowing too much is not good for you. Just tell me about the empty houses in the village."

   "Let me think about it."

   "Don't worry, just think about it slowly."

  A few minutes later, Ermei Liu remembered all the empty houses in the village, so she said to Lu Xiaoxiao: "Xiaoxiao, there are not many empty houses in the village, only three.

  One is at the west end of the village. That house has been vacant for many years. I heard people say that the house is so evil that no one who lives in that house can have a son.

  That’s why that house is also called an extinct house. No one in the village wants to live in that house, so that house has been vacant for so many years. "

  (end of this chapter)

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