Chapter 2946 Temporary Worker Quota

  Lu Xiaoxiao saw Xue Qing, Xue Gui and his father and son had gone into the house to clean, so she knew there was nothing to see, so she walked towards the captain's house with Zhang Xu.

  Now that the captain has done what he promised her, it's time for her to fulfill her promise.

   "Why are you here?" The captain saw Lu Xiaoxiao leading Zhang Xu into his main room shortly after arriving home, so he asked Lu Xiaoxiao.

   "I'm here to fulfill my promise. Just now I saw that you arranged for those two people to live in the place I said."

  The captain didn't say anything after hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words. He was worried about how to deal with the people in the village. If Lu Xiaoxiao didn't give too much benefit, he really didn't want to go into this troubled water.

  Lu Xiaoxiao didn't know what the captain was thinking. She took out a piece of paper from her pocket and put it on the table, and left the captain's house with Zhang Xu.

   After Lu Xiaoxiao and Zhang Xu left, the captain took a look at the paper left by Lu Xiaoxiao, and became excited instantly.

  Because Lu Xiaoxiao gave him a temporary worker quota for the iron and steel factory. Although the work in the steel factory is hard, the salary is high and the benefits are good, so the steel factory is the most difficult factory to enter after the transportation team.

   Now that someone from their family is going to work in the steel factory, how could he not be excited.

  It seems that the deal he made with Lu Xiaoxiao this time is not a loss.

  After Zhang Xu left the captain's house, he asked the little girl, "Which factory did you buy him as a temporary worker?"

   "Steel plant?"

   "Is it expensive?"

   "No, one hundred catties of rice."

   Zhang Xu smiled helplessly after hearing the little girl's words, so the little girl thought that it was not expensive to exchange a hundred catties of rice for a temporary worker.

  If it were someone else, they would rather spend 300 yuan to buy a temporary worker quota than exchange 100 catties of rice for a temporary worker quota, because food is too precious.

When Lu Xiaoxiao saw Zhang Xu suddenly smiled, she thought that Zhang Xu laughed at her for exchanging expensive jobs, so she said to Zhang Xu: "Zhang Xu, don't laugh at me for exchanging expensive jobs. It is indeed expensive to exchange a hundred catties of rice.

  But I changed to a temporary worker in a steel factory, and a hundred catties of rice is absolutely worth it. "

   "I know, I didn't laugh at you, I just think you can buy it with money, which may be more affordable."

   "That's right, but I have more food and less money, so it's more convenient to use food."

   "Okay, come here however you find it convenient."

  Lu Xiaoxiao was very satisfied when she heard Zhang Xu's answer, so she said to Zhang Xu: "Let's go home and cook something delicious for you."


  At around eleven o'clock at noon, Lu Xiaoxiao came to the living room with a pot of stewed beef brisket with potatoes. She shouted to Zhang Xu who was sitting on the sofa working, "It's time to eat."

  After hearing what the little girl said, Zhang Xu sorted out the documents and put them in his Qiankun bag, then got up and walked towards the bathroom.

  When he came out of the bathroom after washing his hands, he saw that the little girl had packed the rice, so he sat down on the stool opposite the little girl.

Seeing that Zhang Xu sat down, Lu Xiaoxiao said to Zhang Xu, "I originally wanted to make beef stew for you, but because of time constraints, I can only make you stewed beef brisket with potatoes, so you have stewed beef brisket with potatoes first at noon." , you will eat sauced beef at night."


  After lunch, Lu Xiaoxiao took the bowls and chopsticks into the kitchen to wash them, and then took out the beef from the space to make sauced beef.

  Because it is troublesome to make sauced beef, she plans to make more this time. Anyway, she has space and is not afraid of bad things.

  (end of this chapter)

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