Chapter 2947 Out of the car


  As soon as Lu Xiaoxiao blanched the beef, she heard a knock on the door, so she called to the living room, "Zhang Xu, open the door for me."


   A few minutes later, Lu Xiaoxiao heard voices coming from the living room. She added a few spoonfuls of water to the pot, then took off her apron and walked towards the living room.

   "Why are you here?" Lu Xiaoxiao asked Liu Biao when she saw Liu Biao sitting in the living room.

   "I'm here to ask you to get something, and I'm leaving the car in the afternoon."

  After hearing Liu Biao's words, Lu Xiaoxiao remembered that she asked Liu Biao to bring the goods to the sea market to sell, so she asked Liu Biao to wait for her, and then walked towards the storage room.

   Not long after, she came out of the storage room with a cloth bag, and then handed the cloth bag to Liu Biao and said, "You can sell the things, the price must not be too low."

   "I see, then I'll go first."

"Bon Voyage."

   After Liu Biao left, Zhang Xu asked the little girl, "Are you short of money?"

   "No, how could I be short of money."

   "Then why did you ask Liu Biao to help you sell things?"

  “Because I have a lot of stock and I don’t need those things, so I want to sell them.”

   "How much inventory do you have? I can help you."

   "No, let Liu Biao and the others sell it, so that they can earn more."

"Too dangerous."

   "Don't worry, I know what's inside, otherwise I wouldn't have given them anything, so I won't disturb your work. I'm going to the kitchen to sauce beef." After Lu Xiaoxiao finished speaking, she got up and walked towards the kitchen.

   Zhang Xu looked at the back of the little girl leaving and still felt uneasy, so he picked up the phone and called Fa Xiao, who was far away in Haishi, and asked him to help secretly watch Liu Biao.

  After five o'clock in the evening, Lu Xiaoxiao fished out a piece of beef from the pot and wrapped it in oiled paper, took the beef to the living room, and then said to Zhang Xu, "Zhang Xu, I will send a piece of sauced beef to the neighbor, and I will be back in a while."


  When Lu Xiaoxiao came to the door of Zhang Aihua's house, she saw that the door of Zhang Aihua's house was open, so she went straight into the yard, and then greeted Chen Zhenzhen who was sitting in the yard picking vegetables: "Hello, Aunt Chen."

   "Xiaoxiao is here, I haven't seen you for a while, come in and sit down."

   "Not Aunt Chen, my brother is still at home waiting for me to go back for dinner, and I will come to your house to play again some other day."

   "Then come on weekends and let Ah Hua play with you."

"Okay, I'll come to play with A'hua on the weekend. By the way, this is the sauced beef I made. I'll give you a taste and see if it's good." Lu Xiaoxiao put her hands on the He handed the oiled paper bag in his pocket to Chen Zhenzhen.

   "You child, how do you give away such a precious and meaty thing? Take it home and eat it slowly."

   "Aunt Chen, look at the current weather. It's so hot that you can fry eggs on the floor, so you can't hold the meat."

  After hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, Chen Zhenzhen remembered that it was summer, and the cooked meat really couldn't fit, so she had no choice but to accept the beef sent by Lu Xiaoxiao.

  Seeing Zhenzhen accepting the beef, Lu Xiaoxiao was about to go home, but she was stopped by Chen Zhenzhen just as she turned around.

  So she asked Chen Zhenzhen: "Aunt Chen, is there anything else?"

   "You take this dish home to eat. I've already picked it. You can fry it and eat it when you go home and wash it."

   "Thank you, Aunt Chen, I just don't have vegetables at home." After Lu Xiaoxiao finished speaking, she reached out to take the vegetables Chen Zhenzhen handed her.

  (end of this chapter)

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