Chapter 2973 Persuasion (4)

   "Whether the village chief is not the village chief, isn't it just a false name, you don't need to pay attention to those old women who talk badly, just shout what you said before."

   "This is not appropriate."

   "If it's suitable or not, you can just call him Uncle."

   "Then I'll call you Uncle, Aunt and Uncle don't think I'm neither big nor young."

   "No, you can sit on the kang and drink some water for a while."


A few minutes later, Lu Xiaoxiao drank the last sip of water in the cup, and then she said to Yang Youliang: "Uncle, I actually came to Guangrong Village today with a mission. Since you are the village chief, I will directly send you I told you what my mission is."

   "Speak, I'm listening."

   "Actually, the main task of my visit to Guangrong Village this time is to purchase live pigs, because our food factory needs to purchase 100 more live pigs this season, and I heard that there are live pigs to buy in Guangrong Village, so I came here."

"are you serious?"

   "Of course, otherwise I wouldn't have made this trip. If you don't believe me, you can take a look at this pig purchase certificate." After Lu Xiaoxiao finished speaking, she took out the pig purchase certificate from her bag and handed it to Yang Youliang.

  Yang Youliang took the pig purchase certificate handed over by Lu Xiaoxiao and looked at it. He saw that there was no problem, and the seal on it was also true.

  So he said to Lu Xiaoxiao: "I believe you are the buyer of Sunshine Food Factory, but this is not enough for me to sell you the live pigs in the village."


   "Because we have always only sold live pigs to acquaintances, so it is safe."

After hearing Yang Youliang's words, Lu Xiaoxiao understood what it meant, she thought for a while and said to Yang Youliang: "Uncle, there are exceptions to everything, you can try to trust me once, I can assure you that everyone except our factory Chang and I, no third person will know that the batch of live pigs I purchased came from your village."

   "You asked me to think about it, and I will give you an answer tomorrow afternoon at the latest."

   "Okay, then I'll go back first."

   "Wait, you can go back to the county after you have lunch at my house."

   "No, I still have some things to do. Next time I come to Guangrong Village, I will go to my uncle's house for dinner."

  After hearing what Lu Xiaoxiao said, Yang Youliang didn't keep Lu Xiaoxiao at home for dinner, but gave Lu Xiaoxiao a bamboo tube of water for Lu Xiaoxiao to drink on the way, and sent Lu Xiaoxiao out of the house.

  Yang Mei immediately asked Yang Youliang after Lu Xiaoxiao left, "How is it? Have you promised her?"

   "No, this matter is not something I can do alone. I plan to call several cadres in the village together to discuss it in the afternoon, and then make a decision."

   "You are right. After all, this is a major issue that concerns the entire village. It really needs everyone to discuss it together. Otherwise, if something really happens, you cannot handle it alone."

   "Let's cook, I'll go and discuss with them after dinner."


   It was already eleven o'clock when Lu Xiaoxiao returned to the county seat. Because she had walked too much, she was very hot now, so she didn't go to the state-run restaurant for dinner, but walked towards the state-run hotel.

   "Xiaoxiao, you are back, come and sit down for a while, I will fan you for a while." Yang Taotao said to Lu Xiaoxiao when Lu Xiaoxiao came back.

  After hearing Yang Taotao's words, Lu Xiaoxiao didn't show any politeness to Yang Taotao, she directly sat on the stool next to Yang Taotao, enjoying the wind brought by the fan.

  (end of this chapter)

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