Chapter 2974 things come true (1)

But she didn't let Yang Taotao fan her for too long. After Yang Taotao fanned her for more than a minute, she used the cover of her bag to take out two cream popsicles from the space, and handed one of them to her. He said to Yang Taotao: "Eat it quickly, or it will melt in a while."

   "Why do you still buy popsicles? This popsicle costs 20 cents. You'd better save yourself and eat slowly. I'm not hot."

   "I want to keep it and eat it slowly, but the weather is too hot now, so I can't keep it."

   After hearing what Lu Xiaoxiao said, Yang Taotao realized that she had said the wrong thing, so she didn't refuse the cream popsicle that Lu Xiaoxiao handed her, and directly took the cream popsicle from Lu Xiaoxiao's hand.

  However, after receiving the cream popsicle, she didn't eat it right away, but took out 20 cents from her pocket and stuffed it into Lu Xiaoxiao's hand, saying, "Don't give me back the money, or I won't eat the popsicle."

  After hearing Yang Taotao's words, Lu Xiaoxiao stuffed the money into her bag, because she knew that Yang Taotao didn't want to take advantage of her, so she gave her the money.

  She was actually a little surprised that Yang Taotao could do this, but it also made her sense of Yang Taotao better, so she sat with Yang Taotao and happily ate popsicles.

  After she finished eating the popsicles, she felt cool all over, and even her sweat-soaked clothes were almost dry.

  But her body was still a little sticky and uncomfortable, so she said to Yang Taotao: "Taotao, I'm going to go upstairs to wipe my body, it's too hot."

   "Do you need me to bring you hot water?"

   "No, the hot water you sent upstairs yesterday hasn't been used up yet."

   "Then go quickly."


  After five o'clock in the evening, when Yang Mei came to the state-run hotel to deliver dinner to Yang Taotao, she saw Yang Taotao sitting behind the front desk eating melon seeds, looking very leisurely.

  So she said to Yang Taotao: "Little life is going well, it seems that you don't need to eat today's meal."

   "Mom, you're here, give me the food, I'm starving to death."

   "Don't you have melon seeds to eat, why are you still hungry?"

   "I eat melon seeds because I'm so hungry."

   "What did you do today, why are you so hungry?"

   "Nothing, I just forgot to eat lunch, Mom, please don't talk to me, wait until I finish eating."

  Yang Mei just wanted to reprimand Yang Taotao after hearing Yang Taotao's words, but when she saw Yang Taotao's devouring look, she couldn't get the reprimand out of her mouth.

   After all, she is her own daughter, no matter how much she dislikes her, she loves her in her heart.

   Yang Taotao has no idea that she is hovering on the edge of danger, and she is working hard to cook.

  It wasn't until she finished eating all the food in the lunch box that she had the strength to ask Yang Mei: "Mom, do you agree to sell the live pigs in the village to Xiaoxiao?"

   "I don't know yet, your father is discussing with the people in the village, but you seem to be too concerned about this matter, you have only known Lu Xiaoxiao for two days, why do you help her like that."

   "I don't know, I just think Xiaoxiao is very nice, and I feel very comfortable getting along with her."

  Yang Mei froze for a moment after hearing Yang Taotao's words, it was the first time she heard from Yang Taotao that she had such a high opinion of a person.

   You must know that although her daughter is not of high birth, she has a high vision of people, which also leads to her not having many friends.

  That's why she has such a high opinion of Lu Xiaoxiao, it seems that Lu Xiaoxiao is really in her eyes.

  (end of this chapter)

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