Chapter 2976 Good News

After listening to Yang Youliang's words, Lu Xiaoxiao was overjoyed. She was still thinking about how to lower the price, but she didn't expect that Yang Youliang would take the initiative to lower the price, so that the price she purchased live pigs would be two cents lower than the purchase price given by the factory. money.

  It seems that after this time, she can gain a firm foothold in the procurement department, and she is no longer a little transparent that anyone can step on.

   "Uncle, since you are so straightforward, then follow what you said, and I will take people to the village to pull live pigs the day after tomorrow." Lu Xiaoxiao said to Yang Youliang.

   "Okay, I'll wait for you at the entrance of the village the day after tomorrow, but don't bring too many people here, so as not to leak the news."


   After her parents left, Yang Taotao took Lu Xiaoxiao's hand and asked, "Xiaoxiao, are you leaving tomorrow?"

   "Yes, I have to go back to the factory to switch the truck, otherwise there is no way to transport the pigs away."

   "I don't want you to leave."

   "It's okay, I'll be back. Besides, I'm going back this time not only to tune the car, but also to fetch peaches for you. Calculating the time, my colleague should be back tomorrow."

   "Really? Is your colleague really coming back?"

   "Of course it is true, so you wait for me to come back, and then you can eat peaches that are bright red and juicy."

  After hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, Yang Taotao swallowed unconsciously when she thought of the happiness she felt when she ate peaches that day.

  Lu Xiaoxiao smiled unconsciously when she saw Yang Taotao's little greedy cat, it seems that Yang Taotao is also a snack.

   "Taotao, I have to catch the train tomorrow morning, so I'll go upstairs to bed first." Lu Xiaoxiao said to Yang Taotao.

   "Okay, you can go upstairs and rest."

  The next morning, Lu Xiaoxiao returned to Qinghe County after ten o'clock in the morning. Seeing that there was still an hour before her off-duty time, she planned to go directly to the factory and tell Chen Dong about her purchase of live pigs.

   "Comrade Lu Xiaoxiao, you are back from a business trip. Did things go well this time?" Secretary Chen asked Lu Xiaoxiao when she saw Lu Xiaoxiao walking towards the factory director's office.

   "It went well. Is the factory manager in the office? I need to find him."

   "Yes, you can go in directly."

  Lu Xiaoxiao nodded after hearing Secretary Chen's words, and then walked towards the factory manager's office.

   "Sister Xiaoxiao, you are back, go sit on the sofa and rest for a while, I will pour water for you." Chen Dong said to Lu Xiaoxiao when Lu Xiaoxiao entered the office.

   "Thank you, Uncle Dongzi."

  Chen Dong heard Lu Xiaoxiao call him uncle again. Although he was quite repelled in his heart, he gave up resisting, because it was useless for him to resist, so he might as well just give up, so that he would be less angry.

Lu Xiaoxiao didn't know that Chen Dong had thought so much because of her title. After taking a few sips of the water Chen Dong handed over, she said to Chen Dong: "Uncle Dongzi, I have already purchased live pigs. The location is Guangrong Village in Ankang County."

   "I know that place, but how did you buy live pigs from that place? I heard that people in that place are very xenophobic and won't sell live pigs to unfamiliar people."

   "It's a long story, let's talk about it later, but I can tell you that as long as our deal is done, we won't have to worry about not being able to buy pigs in the future.

  Because Guangrong Village is a large pig-raising village, the people there are very good at raising pigs, and the pigs are fat and strong, which is better than the pigs raised in pig factories. "

  (end of this chapter)

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