Reborned as an Orphan Girl With a Spatial Pocket!

Chapter 2977: transportation problem

  Chapter 2977 Transportation Problem

  Chen Dong was overjoyed when he heard Lu Xiaoxiao's words. For their food factory, the most important thing is supplies. If their factory can have a stable supply of goods, that would be a great thing.

  So he said to Lu Xiaoxiao: "Sister Xiaoxiao, what do you say to do, I will listen to you."

   "Actually, there is nothing special that needs to be done, that is, we need to send a car to transport the live pigs back, and we cannot disclose where our pigs are bought from."

   "No problem, this is a trivial matter, tell me when you will transport the pigs, and I will ask Secretary Chen to arrange the transportation."

   "Uncle Dongzi, what kind of car are you going to arrange to transport the pigs?" Lu Xiaoxiao asked after hearing Chen Dong's words.

   "Naturally, it is the vehicle of the transport team. Although there is a truck in the factory, there is no way to transport a hundred pigs back, so we can only ask the transport team for help."

   "Are the people in the transportation team reliable? Will they have trouble talking about where they bought the live pigs from?"

   "No, because Secretary Chen and I plan to drive to transport the pigs in person, so no one will know where the pigs are bought from except the three of us."

  After hearing Chen Dong's words, Lu Xiaoxiao couldn't help but feel relieved, so she said to Chen Dong: "Uncle Dongzi, we will set off early tomorrow morning, so that we can avoid some people's eyeliner."

   "Okay, as you said, we will meet at the gate of the transport team at six o'clock tomorrow morning."

   "Then I'll go home first, I'm too tired from a business trip."

   "Go back and rest, I will ask Secretary Chen to ask for leave for you."

   "Okay, then thank you, Uncle Dongzi." After finishing speaking, Lu Xiaoxiao got up and walked out of the office.

  Not long after she left the office, she saw Zhang Yuanyuan, so she yelled at Zhang Yuanyuan, "Yuanyuan, wait for me."

   Zhang Yuanyuan heard someone calling her, so she stopped and turned around to look back, and saw Lu Xiaoxiao.

  In an instant, she ran towards Lu Xiaoxiao excitedly, and then asked Lu Xiaoxiao, "Xiaoxiao, when did you come back?"

   "Not long after I came back, this is not a place to talk. Let's go to a place where no one is there. I have something to tell you."

   "Okay, come with me." After Zhang Yuanyuan finished speaking, she led Lu Xiaoxiao towards the warehouse. The place with the fewest people in the whole factory was also the safest.

  After more than ten minutes, Zhang Yuanyuan brought Lu Xiaoxiao to the open space behind the warehouse, and she said to Lu Xiaoxiao, "Xiaoxiao, what can you say, there is no one here."

  Lu Xiaoxiao nodded after hearing Zhang Yuanyuan's words, and then said: "Yuanyuan, I have already purchased live pigs, and I can bring them back tomorrow.

   At that time, I will tell everyone that you introduced me to that place to purchase live pigs, so that the purchase of live pigs can be done so smoothly. "

   "Xiaoxiao, I don't agree with you doing this. The successful purchase of live pigs this time is all thanks to you alone. I can't just share your credit for nothing."

   "Who said you gave me the credit for nothing, you told me where I went to buy live pigs this time, so you didn't get the credit for nothing, you deserve the credit."

   "Xiaoxiao, is what you said true?" Zhang Yuanyuan asked incredulously after hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words.

   "Of course it's true. I purchased the live pigs in Guangrong Village, but you can't tell others where I purchased the live pigs, not even your parents. Can you do it?"

  (end of this chapter)

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