Reborned as an Orphan Girl With a Spatial Pocket!

Chapter 2978: early morning departure

  Chapter 2978 Depart early in the morning

   "Sure, but can I ask why?"

   "The request of the village chief of Guangrong Village, I guess he doesn't want to make trouble."

   "Okay, I won't tell anyone about it, not even my family."

  Lu Xiaoxiao nodded after hearing Zhang Yuanyuan's words, and then said to Zhang Yuanyuan: "I'm going to go to transport live pigs tomorrow morning, so I'll go home and rest first, and I'll talk to you about everything else when I come back."

   "Okay, go back and rest."

  After more than half an hour, Lu Xiaoxiao returned home. Looking at the empty house, she thought of Zhang Xu, so she put the bag in her hand on the sofa, and went to the phone to call Zhang Xu.

   "Hi, I'm looking for Zhang Xu." Lu Xiaoxiao said when the phone was connected.

   "Boss has gone to a meeting."

"When are you coming back?"

   "Don't know."

   "Please help me tell Zhang Xu that I have arrived home safely, but I will be on a business trip tomorrow, so I will call him when I come back."


  After hanging up the phone, Lu Xiaoxiao looked at the wall clock on the wall. Seeing that it was almost twelve o'clock, she took out a plate of sweet and sour pork ribs made by Zhang Xu and a bowl of rice from the space to eat.

After lunch, Lu Xiaoxiao sat on the sofa and rested for half an hour before going into the space to take a shower. When she came back by train today, she was sweating from the heat on the train. She had already gone home to take a shower.

  After more than half an hour, Lu Xiaoxiao came out of the bathroom in a comfortable body. Seeing that she had nothing to do in the afternoon, she planned to bake some cakes with the electric baking pan in the space, and save them for eating on the way tomorrow.

  The next morning at 5:30, Lu Xiaoxiao heard an alarm ring. She was about to reach out to turn off the alarm clock when it sounded that she was going to Ankang County with the car this morning, so she quickly got up and went to the bathroom to wash up.

  After she finished washing, she put the bag on her back, then took out the pie baked yesterday and a pot of water from the space, and went out to run towards the transport team.

  When she arrived at the transport team, she saw Chen Dong and Secretary Chen standing at the door of the transport team. Seeing their anxious looks, she probably feared that she had overslept.

   Fortunately, she is not a real little girl, otherwise she might oversleep.

   "Sister Xiaoxiao, you are here. If you don't come again, I will go to your house to find you." Chen Dong said to Lu Xiaoxiao when he saw Lu Xiaoxiao.

   "Didn't you agree to leave at six o'clock? It's not six o'clock yet."

   "I'm afraid that you overslept."

   "Don't worry, I have an alarm clock at home, so I won't oversleep. Have you arranged for your car?"

   "It's been arranged. Secretary Chen and I will each drive a large truck, and we should be able to transport all the live pigs back."

  Lu Xiaoxiao nodded after hearing Chen Dong's words, and then said: "Since everything is arranged, let's go."


   After more than an hour, Lu Xiaoxiao felt hungry, so she opened the oiled paper bag in her hand, and asked Chen Dong, "Do you want to eat?"

   "Don't eat, you can eat by yourself, I have already had breakfast."

   "Okay." After Lu Xiaoxiao finished speaking, she picked up a piece of pie and ate it.

  After she finished eating a piece of pie, she felt that her stomach was not full, so she picked up another piece of pie and started eating.

  Because the pie she made was stuffed with lard residue and sauerkraut, which tasted delicious and appetizing, so even if she ate two pieces, she would not feel tired.

  (end of this chapter)

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