Chapter 3000 Troubled

   "Dad, Mom, I'm back." Zhang Aihua called into the house when she entered the yard.

  It's a pity that the two people in the room didn't make a sound when they heard her shout, because they were in a cold war at the moment.

   Seeing that no one paid attention to her, Zhang Aihua thought that Chen Zhenzhen and Zhang Xuejun hadn't come back, so she planned to go to the kitchen to cook dinner, so that when the family came back, they could have dinner directly.

But when she walked into the main room, she saw Chen Zhenzhen and Zhang Xuejun sitting on the kang, so she said: "Dad, Mom, so you are back, since you are all at home, why didn't you come back when I called you just now?" reply me."

   "Go and cook."

  When Zhang Aihua heard Chen Zhenzhen's cold words, she originally wanted to say something, but when she saw Chen Zhenzhen's ugly face, she immediately swallowed what she wanted to say, and then went to the kitchen to cook.

  After Zhang Aihua left, Zhang Xuejun said to Chen Zhenzhen: "Zhenzhen, we are fighting together, but don't take your anger out on the child. She has done nothing wrong and shouldn't be our punching bag."

   "You think I'm willing to take my anger out on the child, it's not you, I told you to ignore my sister-in-law, but look at what you did today."

   "Aren't I making things difficult for you because I don't show up, after all, she is your sister-in-law."

   "I have never regarded her as a sister-in-law. She treats my mother like that. Why should I treat her as a sister-in-law?"

   "I see, I will definitely not pay attention to her next time."

   "What next time, I won't let you lend her money this time."

   "But I promised everything, wouldn't it be bad if I didn't borrow it?"

   "There's nothing wrong with it. The money belongs to our family. It's up to us to borrow it or not. Does she still dare to grab it?"

When Zhang Xuejun saw Chen Zhenzhen's face turn red with anger, he was afraid that Chen Zhenzhen would be angry, so he hurriedly said to Chen Zhenzhen: "I listen to you, all the money in our family is in your hands, you can borrow it if you want, and if you don't want to Borrow or not."

  After hearing Zhang Xuejun's words, Chen Zhenzhen's anger finally subsided a little, but the matter of borrowing money came to an end, and she remembered another thing.

  So she said to Zhang Xuejun: "Xuejun, I'm going to tell Ah Hua about Baby Kiss."

   "Didn't we agree to tell Ah Hua when she was eighteen years old? Why are you going to tell her now?"

   "I don't want to, but if I don't make it clear that Ah Hua has a baby relative, my sister-in-law will not give up adopting her son into our family."

   Zhang Xuejun thought about it after hearing Chen Zhenzhen's words, but he still felt that he couldn't tell Zhang Aihua about the baby kiss.

  Because as a father, he cannot let his daughter make sacrifices for their adult affairs.

So he said to Chen Zhenzhen: "Zhenzhen, I know you want to dispel sister-in-law's thoughts, but we can't let Ah Hua make sacrifices for us for our own sake, so I think it's better not to tell Ah Hua about the baby. Flowers are better."

  After hearing Zhang Xuejun's words, Chen Zhenzhen also realized that it was not good, so she nodded to Zhang Xuejun, and agreed not to tell Zhang Aihua about the baby girl.

   "Dad, Mom, I heard what you just said." Zhang Aihua stood at the kitchen door and said to Chen Zhenzhen and Zhang Xuejun.

  After hearing Zhang Aihua's words, Chen Zhenzhen and Zhang Xuejun immediately looked in the direction of the kitchen, and then they saw Zhang Aihua, and their expressions immediately changed.

  (end of this chapter)

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