Chapter 3001 Let the matter go

   "Ah Hua, your mother and I were arguing just now, and what we said was all angry words, don't take it seriously." Zhang Xuejun said to Zhang Aihua after he realized it.

   "I'm not a kid anymore, I can tell if what you're saying is angry or not."


   "Dad, in fact, I already knew about the baby kiss. I went to meet the baby kiss partner a few days ago."

   "What? How did you know about Wawaqian? Who told you?" Chen Zhenzhen asked excitedly after hearing Zhang Aihua's words.

   "No one told me, I heard it myself. Last month, you and grandma were talking about baby kissing in the main room. I just happened to bump into it. I just stood at the door and listened for a while, and then I knew."

   "It turns out that you knew it so long ago. Now that you know it, why don't you ask me."

   "Because I knew you wouldn't tell me if I asked, so I secretly looked at the photo, and then asked Xiaoxiao to accompany me to meet the doll's lover."

   "Have you met someone? How is it? Is he treating you well?"

   "Hehe... I don't know how he treats me, but I found out that I was cuckolded."

   "What do you mean by that?"

   "My doll is dating other girls, what else does it mean?"

  Chen Zhenzhen trembled angrily after hearing Zhang Aihua's words. She didn't expect that such an honest child as Guan Zhengxiang would do something treacherous. It was really abominable.

   "Xuejun, you accompany me to the official's house. I want to ask them how they taught the children to do such a shameless thing." Chen Zhenzhen stood up and said to Zhang Xuejun.

  Seeing Chen Zhenzhen's furious look, Zhang Xuejun knew that Chen Zhenzhen had lost her mind. If Chen Zhenzhen were to go to the official's house right now, not only would she not be able to get justice, but it would be bad.

So he immediately walked up to Chen Zhenzhen, stretched out his hand and patted Chen Zhenzhen on the shoulder and said, "Ah Zhen, I understand your mood at the moment, but now is not the time to go to the official's house to explain, the so-called catching **** and filth, we don't have any right now." There is no evidence to prove that Guan Zhengxiang broke his promise.

  So we must collect enough evidence before going to the government, so that we can seek justice for Ah Hua. "

  After hearing Zhang Xuejun's words, Chen Zhenzhen's anger dissipated a little, and her lost rationality returned. Then she thought about what Zhang Xuejun said just now, and felt that what Zhang Xuejun said made sense.

  So she asked Zhang Aihua: "Ah Hua, where did you see Guan Zhengxiang with that bitch... no, with that woman."

   "The iron and steel factory belongs to the building."

"Okay, the two of them dared to blatantly talk about someone. They didn't care about our family at all. And the official family really didn't know that Guan Zhengxiang was talking about someone? It seems that the official family was thinking carefully. Li doesn't want to marry our family.

   Fortunately, Ah Hua found out about Wawaqin, otherwise our family would not know how long we would be played by officials and family members. "

   "Mom, do you mean that Guan Zhengxiang also knows about Baby Kiss?"

   "Of course he knows, and he saw you three years ago, but you happened to be sick at that time, and your spirit was particularly bad, so you didn't have any image of him."

   Zhang Aihua was extremely aggrieved after hearing Chen Zhenzhen's words. She was aggrieved not because of Guan Zhengxiang's cheating, but because she was compared to someone who was not as good as her.

  (end of this chapter)

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