Chapter 3002 I want to retire

Chen Zhenzhen saw that Zhang Aihua's face was not very good-looking, and thought she was sad, so she hurriedly walked to Zhang Aihua's side and held Zhang Aihua into her arms, then said to Zhang Aihua: "Ah Hua, don't be sad, mom will find you a new one." The object is a thousand to ten thousand times better than Guan Zhengxiang, when the time comes, you take the object to Guan Zhengxiang and make him regret it to death."

   "Mom, I'm not sad, I just feel that I'm being compared to someone who is not good-looking, and I just feel bad."

   "Are you really not sad?"

   "Of course it's true. Guan Zhengxiang and I have never met before, how could I be sad for him, so don't worry, Mom."

  After hearing Zhang Aihua's words, Chen Zhenzhen saw Zhang Aihua's serious expression, not like she was lying, so she believed what Zhang Aihua said, and at the same time gave a sigh of relief.

  She was really afraid that this matter would hurt Zhang Aihua, after all, there is no woman who would not hate her man for cheating.

  Although Zhang Aihua is not considered a woman, Zhang Aihua also understands what she should understand, so she was really scared just now.

   Fortunately, her daughter has a cheerful and optimistic personality since she was a child, and she is very open about many things. Otherwise, she might rush to the official's house with a kitchen knife at this moment.

   "Mom, I'm hungry, when can I eat?" Zhang Aihua asked Chen Zhenzhen while rubbing her stomach.

   "There is no rush to eat, you can talk about your thoughts first."

"what idea?"

   "Thoughts on the doll kiss."

"What else can I think about? Of course I'm retiring, otherwise I'll keep it for the New Year, and Mom, don't make me a baby kiss. I promise you that I will bring you a good son-in-law when I grow up." home, so don't worry about it."

   "You are my daughter, can I not worry about it, since you want to divorce, then in two days, your dad and I will take you to Shangguan's house to withdraw the marriage."

   "Thank you, Mom."

   "You're welcome, let's cook."

   "Okay, I'm going to cook right now." Zhang Aihua walked towards the kitchen after speaking.

  After Zhang Aihua left, Zhang Xuejun asked Chen Zhenzhen, "Ah Zhen, how do you want to withdraw?"

"Of course it's in accordance with the normal process, but I want to disclose the matter of Guan Zhengxiang's relationship, otherwise, judging by the temperament of the official family, they won't return the two hundred yuan I gave to their family. .”

   "You can do whatever you want, and I will take care of it if something goes wrong."

"What could happen, I'm not talking about that kind of brainless person, but I'm going to find Xiaoxiao. Just now Ahua said that Xiaoxiao accompanied her to meet Guan Zhengxiang. I think Xiaoxiao told Guan Zhengxiang Xiang talked about the object to understand better."

   "Go, there is still some time before dinner, you just take advantage of this time to go to Xiaoxiao's house."

   "Okay, then I'll go now, you go to the kitchen to help A Hua cook, and enlighten her by the way."

"I see."

  When Chen Zhenzhen came to the gate of Lu Xiaoxiao's house, she saw that the door of Lu Xiaoxiao's courtyard was open, so she pushed the door open and entered the courtyard.

   "Aunt Chen, why are you free to come to my house today?" Lu Xiaoxiao was about to go out to take out the trash when she saw Chen Zhenzhen enter the yard, so she asked Chen Zhenzhen.

   "I came to ask you something."

   "Okay, Aunt Chen, you can ask whatever you want."

   "A few days ago, did you accompany Ah Hua to meet her doll lover?"

"Yes what's the matter."

  (end of this chapter)

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