Chapter 3003 Unexpected person

   "I want to ask you about Guan Zhengxiang and his partner, because I plan to help A Hua withdraw the marriage, so there are some things I want to clarify."

  After hearing what Chen Zhenzhen said, Lu Xiaoxiao thought for a while, and she understood the purpose of Chen Zhenzhen's coming to find her.

  So she said to Chen Zhenzhen: "Aunt Chen, actually, I don't know much about Guan Zhengxiang and his partner.

   It's just that I saw Guan Zhengxiang and Wang Xiangxiang's intimate behavior that day, which has exceeded the boundaries of friends, so I found a pretense to strike up a conversation with them, and only then did I know who they were dating. "

   "That girl's name is Wang Xiangxiang?"

   "Yeah, what's the problem?"

   "No problem, thank you for telling me this, and Aunt Chen will invite you to my house for dinner after the matter is resolved."


   "Then I'll go home first, Ah Hua is still waiting for me to go home for dinner." Chen Zhenzhen walked out of the yard after speaking.

  After Chen Zhenzhen left, Lu Xiaoxiao went out with the trash can to take out the trash.

   "Really coming back soon?" Zhang Xuejun asked Chen Zhenzhen when Chen Zhenzhen entered the main room.

   "I'll come back after the matter is clarified, but I really went to the right place to find Xiaoxiao this time. Do you know who hooked up Guan Zhengxiang?"

"who is it?"

   "My sister-in-law's sister-in-law's daughter's daughter, if I hadn't met that girl once, I really wouldn't know that she was the one who seduced Guan Zhengxiang."

   "Could you be mistaken, after all, there are quite a few people with the same name and surname."

   "There is absolutely no mistake, because Wang Xiangxiang's home is in the steel factory. I still don't believe that the steel factory can have two Wang Xiangxiang of the same age."

  Although Zhang Xuejun also felt that it was impossible for the steel plant to have two Wang Xiangxiang of the same age, he was always rigorous in his work.

  So he said to Chen Zhenzhen: "Ah Zhen, let's go check it out, so as not to make a mistake and ruin her reputation."

   "Okay, I'll ask someone tomorrow morning. If there are no two Wang Xiangxiang in the steel plant, then I will definitely not let my sister-in-law go this time. I don't believe there is such a coincidence in the world."

  Zhang Xuejun nodded after hearing Chen Zhenzhen's words. He didn't believe that such a coincidence would be used in the world. He could bear the little tricks Chen Zhenzhen's sister-in-law did before.

  But this time when Zhang Aihua was involved, he couldn't bear it anymore, so he agreed with what Chen Zhenzhen said.

   "Dad, Mom, what are you talking about?" Zhang Aihua entered the main room with the cooked sweet potato porridge, and asked when she saw Chen Zhenzhen and Zhang Xuejun talking there.

   "I didn't say anything, is the meal ready?"

   "Okay, but I didn't cook any vegetables, so let's eat pickles in the evening."

   "Okay, go get a small bowl of pickles in the jar."

   Zhang Aihua nodded after hearing Chen Zhenzhen's words, and then she went to pick up pickles in a bowl.

  The next morning when Lu Xiaoxiao went to work, she saw Zhang Aihua standing in front of her house, so she asked Zhang Aihua, "Ah Hua, what are you doing standing in front of my house so early in the morning?"

"Wait for you."

   "Is there something wrong?"

   "It's okay, I'm just going along with you, that's why I'm waiting for you."

   "Oh, let's go then, I'm going to be late for work soon."


   "By the way, where are you going?"

   "Steel factory belongs to the building?"

   "What are you doing there?"

   "Keep an eye on Guan Zhengxiang. Originally, my mother did the man-marking work, but my mother was called to help early in the morning, so this matter fell on me."

  (end of this chapter)

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