Chapter 3041 Trouble

   "That's right, why did I forget about this, why don't I use this month's salary to buy things."

   "Farewell, it's better to keep some money with you, and you can use it in case of something urgent."

   "Okay, I'll keep the money, but if you come across something suitable for me in Haishi, you must buy it for me."

"no problem."

  At 11:30 noon, Lu Xiaoxiao and Zhang Yuanyuan took their lunch boxes and ran towards the cafeteria. When they came to the cafeteria, they saw that there was no one at the window for ordering food, so they quickly walked towards the window for ordering food.

   "Aren't you going to get your salary?" Fatty Xu asked when he saw that the first person who came to cook today was a little girl.

   "Big fat uncle, our wages have already been received."

   "It's your style, did you smell it today, otherwise why would you come to the cafeteria so quickly."


   "Give me the lunch box, or there will be too many people in a while, and I won't be the one who will cook for you."

After Zhang Yuanyuan heard Xu Dapang's words, he immediately handed the lunch box in his hand to Xu Dapang, and then said to Xu Dapang: "Big Fatty Uncle, the person next to me is my good friend, please help her too." meal."

   "No problem, give me the lunch box."

After Lu Xiaoxiao and Zhang Yuanyuan finished their meal, they found a place to sit down. Seeing the fatter braised pork in the lunch box, Lu Xiaoxiao couldn't help sighing in her heart: Sure enough, there are people in the court who are easy to handle. This meat is much fatter than the ones beaten by others.

   "Xiaoxiao, don't be in a daze, eat quickly." Seeing that Lu Xiaoxiao was staring at the lunch box, Zhang Yuanyuan said to Lu Xiaoxiao.

   "Okay." After Lu Xiaoxiao finished speaking, she gave Zhang Yuanyuan the meat in the lunch box, and then began to eat.

  When the two of them finished eating, they saw a large group of people pouring into the cafeteria. It seemed that a group of people had already received their wages. Fortunately, they came early, otherwise they would have to compete with this group of people for food.

   "God, please send a thunderbolt to kill these unscrupulous people. Why don't you let me get the money from my family? They are really a group of unscrupulous people. They only know how to bully me, an old woman."

Lu Xiaoxiao and Zhang Yuanyuan heard a burst of crying as they passed by the door of the financial room. Originally, Lu Xiaoxiao didn't want to pay attention to it, because she had seen this kind of thing a lot, but Zhang Yuanyuan liked to watch this kind of excitement the most, so he directly dragged her into the room. Inside the crowd.

   "Mrs. Wang, I said that only I can receive my salary, and no one else can collect it on my behalf. So you ask your daughter-in-law to come and receive the salary." Lei Mingchao, the director of the financial department, said to Mrs. Wang.

He is really tired of this Mrs. Wang. Every month when the salary is paid, Mrs. Wang will come to make a fuss. If it weren't for the fact that Mrs. Wang's son sacrificed to save the property in the factory, he would have asked Mrs. Wang to be arrested. go.

   "Mother, didn't you say that I would come to receive my salary? Why did you come here privately again?"

Xu Lijuan came home from work and was planning to ask her mother-in-law to eat, but she couldn't find her mother-in-law after searching around the house. Suddenly she had a bad feeling in her heart, so she went to the accounting office in the factory come running.

When she came to the accounting office, she saw her mother-in-law making trouble there. She really didn't know what to say to her mother-in-law. If it wasn't for the sake of her children, she would have remarried a long time ago. , How could he continue to stay in this family to be angry.

  (end of this chapter)

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