Chapter 3042 Trouble

   "Why did you come here, a woman who killed my son? I didn't tell you to stay at home and don't come out to harm other people. Why didn't you listen to me.

  I see, do you want to come out to hook up with a man, then remarry, leaving Bao'er and me behind. "

   "Mother, what are you talking about? How could I do such a thing. If I wanted to remarry, I would have remarried a long time ago. How could I stay at home to take care of you and Bao'er for so long.

   And you always want me to stay at home, but if I really do what you say, our family will have no rice to cook. After all, the family is waiting for my salary every month to buy food.

  So mother, you feel your conscience, what did I do wrong for you, and what did I do wrong for Bao'er. "

  After listening to Xu Lijuan's words, all the people present looked at Xu Lijuan with sympathy. Although they knew that Xu Lijuan had a mother-in-law who was particularly difficult to get along with, they never knew that Xu Lijuan had suffered so much under her mother-in-law's hands.

  If they were Xu Lijuan, they would have been unable to stand Mrs. Wang long ago, and remarried with her son. After all, Xu Lijuan is still very young and has a lot of good life to live, so there is no need to be angry with Mrs. Wang.

   Seeing that everyone looked at Xu Lijuan with sympathy, Mrs. Wang immediately quit. She was the most pitiful person, so why did everyone look at Xu Lijuan with sympathy.

  It must be that Xu Lijuan, a vixen, has done something shameful to make so many people sympathize with her, so Mrs. Wang quickly stood up and rushed towards Xu Lijuan, she wanted to kill Xu Lijuan, a shameless woman.

  Xu Lijuan knew what she was going to do when she saw Mrs. Wang rushing towards her. After all, Mrs. Wang would stage this scene at home every few days, so she avoided Mrs. Wang's attack very neatly.

   "You vixen, you still dare to avoid me, see if I don't kill you, see if I don't kill you..."

"That's enough, you guys pull her out to me, and tell the guards not to allow her to enter the factory." Lei Ming saw that Mrs. Wang was making more and more troubles, which seriously hindered her work, and finally couldn't bear it anymore and turned towards the man next to her. How humane.

  Wang Pozi was taken aback when she heard Lei Ming's words. In the past, no matter how much she troubled Lei Ming, no one would drive her out. If she was kicked out today, how would she behave in the future.

  So she didn't dare to continue making trouble anymore, and ran out of the crowd in desperation.

   Seeing her mother-in-law left, Xu Lijuan couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and then apologized to everyone present before chasing after Mrs. Wang.

   "Can I go back to the office now?" Lu Xiaoxiao asked Zhang Yuanyuan.

   "Okay, let's go back now."

  After Lu Xiaoxiao returned to the office, she was about to sit down and rest for a while, but before she could sit down, she saw Zhang Yuanyuan approaching her mysteriously, which immediately made her feel speechless.

   "If you have anything to say, just say it, I want to sleep." Lu Xiaoxiao approached Zhang Yuanyuan.

   "Xiaoxiao, do you want to know why Mrs. Wang comes to the factory to make trouble every month?"


   "Because Mrs. Wang wants to use her daughter-in-law's salary to subsidize her daughter. Fortunately, Xu Lijuan has a plan in mind, so she greeted the people in the finance department in advance. Otherwise, Mrs. Wang will really use all of Xu Lijuan's salary to subsidize her daughter."

  (end of this chapter)

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