Chapter 3048 Fighting

   "Are you sure you heard right?"

   "I must have heard correctly. I squatted under the window yesterday, and I heard everything clearly."

   "Then did they say what they were looking for?"

   "No, they only said that the thing is in the back mountain, but I can infer from their conversation that they don't know where the thing they are looking for is"

   "I see, thank you for the clues you provided, I will send someone to protect you, you can go home now."

   "Master Xiao, can the people you send to protect me beat Xue Qing and his son? They fight very hard."

   "Don't worry, since I promised you that I will protect you, I won't let you have an accident, so you can go home without worry."

  The fat man nodded after hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, and then he was about to stand up, but he just moved, but found that he couldn't move, and only then did he remember that he was still tied up.

  So he said to Liu Biao: "Brother Biao, please help me untie the rope on my body."

  After hearing what the fat man said, Liu Biao walked to the side of the fat man, and then squatted down to untie the rope for the fat man.

  When he untied the rope on the fat man, he said to the fat man: "When you get home, stay at home and don't run around."

   "I see, then I'll go home first."


   After the fat man left, Liu Biao asked Lu Xiaoxiao, "Master Xiao, do you need me to follow the fat man?"

   "No need, it's getting late, you go home and go to sleep."

   "Then I'm going back. I'll go to the village at noon tomorrow to inquire about the situation."


  Lu Xiaoxiao checked the time after Liu Biao left. Seeing that it was already eight o'clock, she went upstairs to take a shower and go to bed.

  The next morning, Lu Xiaoxiao came to the office after breakfast. She saw that there was nothing in Zhang Yuanyuan's place. It was obvious that Zhang Yuanyuan hadn't come to work yet. She finally came to work earlier than Zhang Yuanyuan once.


  When the bell for work rang, Lu Xiaoxiao saw Zhang Yuanyuan rushing into the office like a gust of wind, so she immediately waved to Zhang Yuanyuan, signaling Zhang Yuanyuan to let her sit down quickly.

   When Zhang Yuanyuan saw Lu Xiaoxiao waving at her, she took a few deep breaths, then pulled her hair a few times with her hands, and then walked towards the location.

   "Why did you come so late today, is something wrong?"

"It's not my second sister-in-law. She doesn't know what is going crazy today. She insists on paying three yuan more to my family every month. I already pay ten yuan to my family every month. If I pay another three yuan , then my salary will be handed in half, how can this work.

  So I got into a fight with my second sister-in-law, which delayed my work time. "

"Are you OK?"

   "It's okay, it's not the first time I've fought with my second sister-in-law, so I'm very experienced, and I won't be hurt by her. Instead, it was my second sister-in-law who got a lot of red marks on my body.

  But she had no way to tell those red marks to the public, so she could only bear with it, which made me laugh so hard. "

   "Is it not good for you to do this? After all, she is your second sister-in-law. If you beat her like this, does your second brother have any objections?"

   "Of course I have no objection. My second brother doesn't like my second sister-in-law's mouth either. If it wasn't for my second brother not beating women, he would have beaten my second sister-in-law a long time ago."

   "Hehe... Your house is really lively."

   "It's really lively. With my second sister-in-law, the troublemaker, it's no wonder it's not lively."

  (end of this chapter)

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