Chapter 3049 Begging for shelter

  Lu Xiaoxiao felt dumbfounded when she heard Zhang Yuanyuan's words, but she was quite envious of Zhang Yuanyuan. Although there were some small conflicts at home, it was a good life to live such a lively life every day.

   "Xiaoxiao, can I ask you something?" Zhang Yuanyuan looked at Lu Xiaoxiao pitifully and said.

"What's up?"

   "I want to go to your house at noon."


   "Because I am afraid that I will fight with my second sister-in-law again when I go home at noon. For the sake of family harmony, I plan not to go home at noon."

   "Okay, just so you can visit my house."

   "It's really great, Xiaoxiao, you are really my caring little padded jacket."

   "Don't take advantage of me."

   "Hey...I was discovered by you."

   "Stop chatting, it's working time now, let's work hard."


  At 11:30 noon, Lu Xiaoxiao packed up her things and led the homeless Zhang Yuanyuan to the house.

  When she arrived at the house, she said to Zhang Yuanyuan: "Yuanyuan, you can wander around on the first floor, but don't go to the second floor, because there is a room that belongs to my brother, and he doesn't like people entering his private area."

   "I see, don't worry, I will definitely not go to the second floor."

   "Then I'm going to cook." After Lu Xiaoxiao finished speaking, she walked towards the kitchen.

  Zhang Yuanyuan began to stroll around the first floor after Lu Xiaoxiao left. When she walked around the first floor, she couldn't help sighing in her heart that the world of the rich is really beyond the comprehension of common people like them.

   "Xiaoxiao, is there anything I can do for you?" Zhang Yuanyuan came to the kitchen and asked Lu Xiaoxiao.

   "Wash those two squashes, then cut them into shreds, and use them when cooking noodles later."


  After more than ten minutes, Lu Xiaoxiao asked Zhang Yuanyuan after cooking the noodles, "Have you cut the vegetables?"

   "It will be ready soon, just wait a moment."

   "You should be faster, or the noodles will be lumpy." Lu Xiaoxiao said to Zhang Yuanyuan while adding scorpion to the noodles.

   "I cut it."

   "Okay, you go and wash your hands, and then come over and serve noodles."


  After lunch, Zhang Yuanyuan leaned on the sofa and said to Lu Xiaoxiao: "Xiaoxiao, the noodles at noon are so delicious, when can I have it again?"

   "You can eat it whenever you want. If you want to eat it at your own home, you can also eat it at home. I boiled a lot of saozi at noon, and I will pack a can for you later."

   "No need, there are too many people in my family, one can is not enough, and I don't want to share such delicious food with my second sister-in-law, so I'll come to your house next time to eat."

   "No problem, come to my house as long as you want to eat, and I will make it for you."

   "Xiaoxiao, you are so kind. If I were a man, I would definitely try my best to marry you home."

   "It's not me you want to marry, but my good cooking skills."

   "It's the same, anyway, I just want to marry you home."

   "Don't think about it, you will never have the chance to marry me home in your life, who made you a woman.

  So you should give up as soon as possible. "

After Zhang Yuanyuan heard Lu Xiaoxiao's words, she looked at Lu Xiaoxiao pitifully, as if Lu Xiaoxiao was a heartless person, she looked at Lu Xiaoxiao with excitement, and gave Zhang Yuanyuan a slap directly on conditioned reflex. Zhang Yuanyuan was photographed lying on the sofa.

   Fortunately, she didn't use too much strength, Zhang Yuanyuan was just photographed lying on the sofa by her.

  (end of this chapter)

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