Chapter 3071 Set a house (1)

  The next morning when Lu Xiaoxiao walked into the food factory, she heard many people talking about the family building. Compared with yesterday's joy, today they seemed much calmer.

It seems that the effect she wanted has been achieved, and then it depends on how they choose, but she can't take it lightly, there are so many people in the food factory, there will always be a few troublemakers, as long as those troublemakers are resolved , then basically there is no big problem.

   "Xiaoxiao, Xiaoxiao, you are here. I have been waiting for you for a long time." When Lu Xiaoxiao walked into the office, Zhang Yuanyuan immediately rushed to Lu Xiaoxiao and said to Lu Xiaoxiao.

   "What's the matter, seeing your excited look, something good happened."

   "Isn't it a good thing that happened? Today the factory announced that everyone can share the house, but the material costs for building the house need to be paid by themselves. Isn't this a great thing.

   I don’t know who is so smart, and came up with such a way, which is a great thing for single people like us. "

   "Don't you think it's a loss? You can get a house for free, but now you have to pay for it."

"I don't feel bad. Judging from my current situation, it is basically impossible to get a house, but now I only need to spend a year's salary to own a single room, so I don't mind at all. Feel bad."

  After hearing Zhang Yuanyuan's words, Lu Xiaoxiao gave Zhang Yuanyuan a thumbs up, and then asked Zhang Yuanyuan, "Yuanyuan, what size house do you plan to book this time?"

   "Single room, I don't have any money with me now, and it's impossible for my family to lend me money, because they will also book a house."

   "Why don't you ask me to bring your things for you this time, and you can use the money to fix the house first, so that you can book a bigger house."

  After hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, Zhang Yuanyuan calculated the money in his hand and the price of the two rooms, and shook his head at Lu Xiaoxiao, because the money was still not enough.

   "How much money are you short?" Seeing Zhang Yuanyuan shaking her head, Lu Xiaoxiao asked Zhang Yuanyuan.

   "One hundred and twenty dollars."

   "I'll lend it to you."

   Zhang Yuanyuan was taken aback when she heard Lu Xiaoxiao's words, but she quickly shook her head and refused, because she couldn't repay the money she borrowed from Lu Xiaoxiao, so she decided not to borrow it.

   "Why did you refuse?" Lu Xiaoxiao asked Zhang Yuanyuan.

   "Because I won't be there for a while."

   "It's okay, I'm not in a hurry to spend money."


"of course it's true."

   Zhang Yuanyuan gritted her teeth after hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, and said to Lu Xiaoxiao, "Xiaoxiao, I borrowed the money, but the interest is calculated at five yuan a year, otherwise I won't borrow the money."


   "Then I will go to book the house in the afternoon, so as not to be booked by others."

   "Don't worry, everyone is in the wait-and-see period these days, no one will compete with you for a house, so you can choose a good floor."

   "That's really great, by the way, Xiaoxiao, do you want to book a house too?"

   "Of course, I plan to order the biggest set."

   "What? Are you going to book a room with four bedrooms?" Zhang Yuanyuan asked in surprise after hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words.

   "That's right, if it wasn't for the rule that a person can only book one house, I would like to book two houses."

   "Why do you order so many houses by yourself?"

   "Of course it is useful, besides, who would think there are too many houses?"

"makes sense."

   Dear friends, Happy New Year’s Eve, thank you for your support and encouragement this year, Huahua will continue to work hard.



  (end of this chapter)

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