Chapter 3072 Set a house (2)

  At 11:30 noon, Lu Xiaoxiao walked home with Zhang Yuanyuan after get off work, because they needed to go home to get money, so they didn't have lunch in the factory at noon.

   "Xiaoxiao, remember to bring money, I'm leaving first." Zhang Yuanyuan stopped at the alley where Lu Xiaoxiao's house was located and said to Lu Xiaoxiao.

   "Don't worry, I won't forget."

After Zhang Yuanyuan left, Lu Xiaoxiao walked towards home. She hadn't told Zhang Xu about buying a house yet, so she planned to talk to Zhang Xu during lunch, and by the way, which floor Zhang Xu bought The house is better because she doesn't know much about it.

   "I'm back, I'm having noodles for lunch today." Zhang Xu said to the little girl when she entered the living room.

   "Okay, can we eat now?"

   "It will take a while."

   "It just so happens that I have something to tell you."

"What's up?"

  “The food factory plans to build a family building. This time is different from the past, because this time the workers pay for the building themselves, so I also want to buy a house.”

   "You can buy it if you want, our family is not short of money."

   "I know, so I plan to buy the largest one, but I don't know which floor is better."

   "How many floors are there in the house?"

   "Six floors."

   "Then you can buy the one on the third floor."

   "Okay, then I'll buy the third floor."

  After lunch, Lu Xiaoxiao chatted with Zhang Xu in the living room for a while, and then went to work.

  Because she came earlier, there was no one else in the office except Wang Feng, so she greeted Wang Feng and walked towards her seat.

   "Xiaoxiao, can I ask you something?" Wang Feng asked Lu Xiaoxiao after she sat down.

   "Sure, if you have anything you want to ask, Miss Wang, just ask."

   "I heard from Yuanyuan that you plan to book a room with her?"


   "Don't you think it's a loss?"

   "It's a bit of a loss, but compared with not being able to get a house for a few years or even more than ten years, it's not a loss at all to spend a year or two of salary to buy a house.

   What's more, many people can't get married because of the problem of the house. If they spend some money to buy a house, the marriage will be settled.

  So it seems that spending money to build a house is a good thing. "

  Wang Feng pondered for a while after listening to Lu Xiaoxiao's words, and felt that what Lu Xiaoxiao said made sense. Her daughter didn't want to live with her prospective son-in-law and the whole family, so the marriage has been delayed.

  If her daughter and her prospective son-in-law spend money to book a house this time, wouldn’t their marriage be possible?

  After trying to understand everything, Wang Feng's mood immediately improved, so she said to Lu Xiaoxiao: "Xiaoxiao, thank you so much, I still can't understand without you."

   "I didn't do anything to help, I just said what I thought."

   "Anyway, I owe you a favor this time. If you need me in the future, just find me."


  When Zhang Yuanyuan entered the office, she happened to see Wang Feng leaving Lu Xiaoxiao's side, so she went to Lu Xiaoxiao's side and asked Lu Xiaoxiao, "Xiaoxiao, what did Sister Wang want from you just now?"

   "Nothing, just asked about the house."

   "Oh, Sister Wang also asked me about this, and I told Sister Wang that we are going to book a house."

   "I know, Sister Wang told me."

   Thanks to Dahe, Huanm, Memories, Danbo Life, 854***199, Feng Hanqing Shui Hanxiao six cuties for their rewards, okay?



  (end of this chapter)

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