Reborned as an Orphan Girl With a Spatial Pocket!

Chapter 3090: Internal disintegration

  Chapter 3090 Internal collapse

   "Hehe... Are you ghosts? If you are ghosts, then I lied to you."

   "Second brother, what does that girl mean?" The short man scratched his head and asked the flower-armed man after hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words.

   "Didn't I ask you to read more? Why can't you understand even this little bit?"

   "Aren't I a quick reader who hasn't come yet? Second brother, please tell me what that **** means."

   "What else could it mean, she said she was lying to us."

   "Second brother, she dared to lie to us, let's see if I don't kill her." The short man shouted angrily after hearing what the flower-armed man said.

   "What are you hitting? Brother hasn't woken up yet. We can't deal with her. You take her to release the water now."

   "I won't go, I don't want to guard the door for a bitch."

   "Why do you have so many problems, go if you are told, or I will beat you."

The short man couldn't help but tremble when he heard the words of the flower-armed man, and then he hurriedly took Lu Xiaoxiao to the grass beside him. He didn't want to be beaten up by the second brother, because the beating by the second brother was too painful .

  When Lu Xiaoxiao followed the short man to the back of the grass, she said to the short man, "Go and stand there, or I won't be able to get out."

   "No, I can't be more than two meters away from you, otherwise what will I do if you run away."

   "Who said I was going to run away?"

   "You look like you're about to run."

   "Really." After Lu Xiaoxiao finished speaking, she punched the short man unconscious.

   A few minutes later, seeing that the short man hadn't come back, the flower-armed man said to the only person left beside him, "Bog, go and see what's going on."

  The python nodded after hearing what the man with the flower arm said, and then he walked towards the grass beside him.

   But when he just entered the grass, he was punched unconscious by someone. He didn't even see who knocked him out, so he passed out just like that.

  After Lu Xiaoxiao finished solving the two people, she saw that there was only the man with the flower arm left outside, so she stopped pretending and walked towards the man with the flower arm.

   "Why are you alone? Where are the two of them?" The flower-armed man asked Lu Xiaoxiao when Lu Xiaoxiao came to him.

   "How do I know, why don't you go over there and have a look."

  After hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, the flower-armed man glanced at Lu Xiaoxiao suspiciously. Seeing that Lu Xiaoxiao's expression was frank, she didn't look like the kind of person who would play dirty tricks, so she walked towards the grass.

  The moment the flower-armed man turned around, Lu Xiaoxiao directly punched the flower-armed man.

  It's a pity that the flower-armed man was on guard against her from the beginning, so the punch she threw was avoided by the flower-armed man.

   "Okay, I didn't expect you to hide so deeply. Tell me, is my elder brother beaten like that by you?"

   "That's right, I beat the bald head, but you are going to accompany the bald head soon, there is no need to get angry like this, it's better to save some strength, lest I pass out after being punched a few times like the bald head."

   "You're bullying too much, you're really bullying too much." After hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, the flower-armed man yelled at Lu Xiaoxiao trembling with anger.

   "If you want to talk about bullying too much, it must be you. We drove well, but you wanted to stop us. After all, who is bullying too much?"

   "I won't tell you, if you have the ability, knock me out too, or I won't let you go."

  Lu Xiaoxiao sneered when she heard the man with the flower arm, and then punched the man with the flower arm.

  (end of this chapter)

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