Chapter 3091 All in one sweep

  When the flower-armed man saw Lu Xiaoxiao attacking him, he quickly stretched out his hand to block it, but because he underestimated Lu Xiaoxiao, he took several steps back while blocking Lu Xiaoxiao's attack.

   "Which faction are you from?" the flower-armed man asked Lu Xiaoxiao after standing still.

   "I don't know which faction I belong to. If you want to fight, hurry up, don't be a bitch, it doesn't look like a bandit at all."

"What did you say?"

   "I said you don't look like a bandit, but like a bitch."

   "You... you... see if I won't kill you." The man with the flower arm attacked Lu Xiaoxiao after he finished speaking.

  After more than ten minutes, Lu Xiaoxiao kicked the flower-armed man away, then she walked quickly to the flower-armed man, stretched out a foot to step on the flower-armed man's chest, and said, "Do you agree?"

   "Don't accept it, if you want me to accept it, you must kill me."

   "What a tough guy, but it's a pity that he went the wrong way. I hope you can shout this sentence a while later." After Lu Xiaoxiao finished speaking, she punched and kicked the flower-armed man.

  It wasn't until the flower-armed man was hit that he had more air in and out less, then she asked the flower-armed man, "Are you convinced?"

   "Submit, I accept, don't hit me again."

   "Okay." After Lu Xiaoxiao finished speaking, she lightly kicked the flower-armed man, and saw the flower-armed man fainted.

  After Lu Xiaoxiao **** the flower-armed man, she dragged the three of them down the mountain together with the two people who had been knocked out just now.

  When she came to the foot of the mountain, she saw the bald man leading someone to repair a tire, so she didn't go over, but found a place to sit down and rest.

   More than half an hour later, when Lu Xiaoxiao saw that the car's tire had been repaired, she walked towards the bald man.

  When she came behind the bald man, she took advantage of his unpreparedness and punched him unconscious. As for the two men standing beside the bald man, seeing her brave side, they were so frightened that they crouched on the ground with their heads in their hands.

  So she directly knocked the two men unconscious with a knife in each hand.

  After Lu Xiaoxiao finished taking care of everyone, she shouted to Chen Qi who was sitting in the car: "Secretary Chen, I have already taken care of everyone, you can come down now."

After Chen Qi heard Lu Xiaoxiao's words, he immediately got off the car, and then he ran up to Lu Xiaoxiao and looked Lu Xiaoxiao up and down. He couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

After seeing Chen Qi's actions, Lu Xiaoxiao smiled at Chen Qi, and then said: "Secretary Chen, I'm fine, those people are not my opponents, now quickly tie up the three people on the ground, I'll go to the grass Drag the remaining four people over here."

   "Comrade Lu Xiaoxiao, you better kidnap someone, I'll drag him over there."

   "It's fine, they're behind the bushes, you don't have to be polite to them, just drag them over."

   "I see." After Chen Qi finished speaking, he walked towards the grass that Lu Xiaoxiao mentioned.

   More than ten minutes later, Lu Xiaoxiao and Chen Qi carried the bald man into the car, and then they sat back in the car.

   "Comrade Lu Xiaoxiao, what do you plan to do with them?" Chen Qi asked Lu Xiaoxiao while driving.

   "How else to deal with it, of course, let them go to the big prison directly. Judging from their sophisticated methods of robbing people, they are definitely habitual offenders, so there is no place more suitable for them than the big prison."

  (end of this chapter)

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