Chapter 3137 Reasons for dumbfounding

After hearing Zhang Yuanyuan's words, Lu Xiaoxiao didn't reply immediately, but sat down on her seat and took a sip of water before she opened her mouth and said to Zhang Yuanyuan: "The people in the cement factory didn't make things difficult for me, but my trip was wasted, and I got nothing. Inquire."

   "Don't be discouraged, Xiaoxiao, if the matter is simple, it won't be unresolved until today."

   "I know, but do you know that the director of the cement factory doesn't want to see the food factory?"

   "I don't know, who did you hear from?"

   "The director of the cement factory."

   "Did you see the director of the cement factory today?"


   "Did he tell you why he hates food factories?"

   "No, this is what I'm curious about, so I plan to continue blocking the cement factory manager tomorrow. I don't believe he can stop my stalking and intercepting him."

   Zhang Yuanyuan rolled her eyes when she heard Lu Xiaoxiao's words, and then she said to Lu Xiaoxiao: "Xiaoxiao, I will accompany you to block the cement factory director tomorrow."

   "No, this is not a fun thing, so you'd better stay in the office and work obediently."

   Zhang Yuanyuan saw that her slip-up plan was directly strangled in the cradle by Lu Xiaoxiao, and she was in a bad state, so she said to Lu Xiaoxiao again: "Xiaoxiao, just take me out to play."

   "No, this matter is too important, so don't think about it."

"All right."

  Lu Xiaoxiao saw that Zhang Yuanyuan was a little unhappy after she said the words of rejection, so she said to Zhang Yuanyuan, "Don't be unhappy, come to my house this weekend, and I'll cook something delicious for you."

   "What you said is true?"

   "Of course it's true, I guarantee that everything I make is something you haven't eaten before."

   "Okay, then I will go to your house for lunch this weekend."


  In the next few days, Lu Xiaoxiao appeared at the gate of the cement factory on time every day, and every day she stopped Mu Aihua to ask why.

   Until there is no other way to grind Mu Aihua, she has to try what she wants. From Mu Aihua, she learned the reason why Mu Aihua doesn't like to see the food factory.

   "Director Mu, is that why you don't want to see the food factory?" Lu Xiaoxiao asked Mu Aihua in disbelief.

   "What? Isn't that enough reason?"

   "Of course it is not enough. Our factory added a family building because the house is not enough to live in. How can you dislike our factory just because our factory added a family building?"

   "Why not, because your factory has added a family building, which makes all the workers in our factory not interested in working, which greatly reduces the efficiency of our factory. Do you think I can see your factory?"

  "Mr. Mu, in fact, we really can't blame us for this. It's because there are too many people in our factory and there is no place to live, so we add a family building.

  If your factory also wants to add a family building, I can tell you all our experience in adding a family building this time, so that you can avoid some detours when adding a family building. "

Mu Aihua thought for a while after hearing what Lu Xiaoxiao said, and he felt that what Lu Xiaoxiao said seemed to make sense, so he asked Lu Xiaoxiao: "Are you really willing to share your experience and experience in building a family building?" We share?"

   "Why don't you want to do this? Our factory and the cement factory are originally friendly brother factories, and they should help each other. When I go back, I will immediately sort out the materials and send them to you."

  (end of this chapter)

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