Chapter 3138 Happy cooperation

   "Okay, since you have done everything right, it would be too unkind for me not to express it. When you go back, ask how much cement your factory needs, and I will mix it out for you first."

"Thank you so much, Director Mu. With your generous help, the family building in our factory will be built faster, and those who have booked the house will definitely be careful if they know the feat of Director Mu. Li is grateful to Director Mu."

  After Mu Aihua heard Lu Xiaoxiao's words, although she knew that Lu Xiaoxiao's words were a bit exaggerated, she couldn't bear Lu Xiaoxiao's sincere tone and expression when she spoke, making people feel comfortable no matter how they listened or watched.

So he smiled and said to Lu Xiaoxiao: "Stop flattering me, go back and count the cement your factory needs, lest someone else come and buy the cement later, and the skylight of your factory's family building will be opened. "

  After hearing Mu Aihua's words, although Lu Xiaoxiao knew that Mu Aihua was joking with her, she was not afraid of 10,000 but just in case, so she had better get things done as soon as possible to avoid long nights and dreams.

  After three o'clock in the afternoon, Lu Xiaoxiao returned to the office of the purchasing department. She saw Zhang Yuanyuan sitting in a daze, so she walked up to Zhang Yuanyuan and said, "Yuanyuan, Director Li is here."

   "Ha... Where is Director Li?" Zhang Yuanyuan immediately looked around after hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words.

  Lu Xiaoxiao smiled after seeing Zhang Yuanyuan's subconscious reaction, and then said to Zhang Yuanyuan: "I was joking with you, Director Li didn't come."

   "Xiaoxiao, you are so bad, I was really scared to death by you just now."

   "I know I was wrong, I won't scare you next time, but what were you thinking just now, so fascinated, I didn't even notice when I stood beside you."

   "I didn't think about anything, I was just bored for a while."

   "Okay, is Director Li in the office?"

   "Should be there, I didn't see him leave the office."

  Lu Xiaoxiao nodded after hearing Zhang Yuanyuan's words, and then she walked towards Li Qianjin's office.

  When she came to the door of Li Qianjin's office, she saw that Li Qianjin was drinking water, so she reached out and knocked on the door.

  Li Qianjin raised his head and looked towards the door after hearing the knock on the door, and saw that the person knocking was Lu Xiaoxiao, so he said please come in.

After Lu Xiaoxiao entered the office, she straight to the point and said to Li Qianjin: "Director Li, I have already discussed with the director of the cement factory about purchasing cement, and now we are short of the amount of cement we need, so Director Li Let me know the amount of cement our factory needs as soon as possible, lest there will be another accident after a long time."

Li Qianjin was slightly surprised when he heard Lu Xiaoxiao's words. He didn't expect that Lu Xiaoxiao would settle the matter so quickly, but it seemed to be a matter of course, otherwise he would not have entrusted Lu Xiaoxiao with the purchase of cement Xiao will do it.

   But he was curious about one thing, how did Lu Xiaoxiao get the cement factory manager to sell cement to their factory?

  Li Qianjin thought about it for a while and couldn't figure it out, so he asked Lu Xiaoxiao directly: "Comrade Lu Xiaoxiao, how did you get the director of the cement factory to sell cement to our factory?"

   "It's actually very simple. I just promised Director Mu to tell him the experience of building a family building in our factory, and then he offered to sell the cement to our factory, and he gave priority to selling to our factory."

  (end of this chapter)

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