Chapter 3139 So it is

   "It's that simple?" Li Qianjin asked with his eyes widened after listening to Lu Xiaoxiao's words.

"It's that simple."

   "Okay, I see, I will tell you the amount of cement our factory needs in a while."

  Lu Xiaoxiao nodded after hearing Li Qianjin's words, then she turned and walked out of the office.

  Li Qianjin fell into deep thought after Lu Xiaoxiao left. Although Lu Xiaoxiao told him it was so simple, he didn't think it was really as simple as Lu Xiaoxiao said.

  If things were really as simple as Lu Xiaoxiao said, so many people in the purchasing department would not fail, so where is the problem?

   After thinking about it for more than half an hour, Li Qianjin finally figured it out. It turned out that Mu Aihua didn't want to sell the cement to their factory because he had jealousy.

  He said how well that kid Mu Aihua would not want to sell cement to their factory, and that was the reason.

  When he first started, he thought he had offended Mu Aihua, and was thinking about whether to apologize to Mu Aihua.

   Fortunately, he didn't apologize to Mu Aihua, otherwise he would be a joke.

  It was past five o'clock in the evening, and Lu Xiaoxiao was about to go home from get off work, but she had just put her bag on her back when she heard Li Jinjin calling her to the office, so she had no choice but to walk towards Li Qianjin's office.

  When she entered Li Jinjin's office, she asked Li Jinjin, "Director Li, what do you want me to do?"

   "This is the cement that our factory needs. Tomorrow, you can go directly to the cement factory with the money to buy the cement."

   "Okay, I understand, but you need to issue a certificate to withdraw the fee from the finance department, otherwise I have no way to withdraw the fee from the finance department."

  After hearing what Lu Xiaoxiao said, Li Qianjin took out a notebook from the drawer, wrote and drew on it for a while, then tore off the page he was writing on and handed it to Lu Xiaoxiao.

  After Lu Xiaoxiao took the paper that Li Jinjin handed her, she read the content written on the paper, and when she saw that there was no problem, she put the paper in her bag and put it away.

   Then he said to Li Qianjin: "Director Li, I know everything you explained, and I will definitely bring the cement back tomorrow."


   When Lu Xiaoxiao came home at six o'clock in the evening, she took off her backpack and put it on the sofa, before going upstairs to take a shower.

  But as soon as she walked up the stairs, she heard the phone ring, so she had to answer it first.

   "Hi, hello, who is it?" Lu Xiaoxiao asked after picking up the microphone.

   "Are you Lu Xiaoxiao?"

"it's me."

   "Xiaoxiao, I'm Yang Taotao, don't you recognize my voice?"

   "It turned out to be Taotao. I said why the voice is so familiar. I really didn't hear it through the microphone just now, because the voice coming out of the microphone is still different from the voice heard in reality."

   "It's really a little different, I almost didn't recognize your voice just now."

   "Taotao, what can you do with me?" Lu Xiaoxiao was afraid that Yang Taotao would waste the phone bill if she continued talking, so she hurriedly asked Yang Taotao.

   "I... I just want to ask you what time you have next month."

   "Next month, I don't know this yet, but can you tell me the specific time? Otherwise, I can't answer you."

   "The sixth of next month."

  Lu Xiaoxiao thought about it after hearing Yang Taotao's words, and seeing that there was nothing to do in the first half of next month, she said to Yang Taotao: "I have time."

  (end of this chapter)

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