Chapter 3140 Too fast

   "That's really great, you must come to my house on the sixth of next month."


   "Because... because I'm getting married, I want you to marry me as a little sister."

Lu Xiaoxiao opened her mouth in shock when she heard Yang Taotao's words, and she opened her mouth after a while: "Taotao, is what you said true? I remember that you were single when we met last time. Why are you getting married so soon?"

   "I didn't expect that I would get married so soon, but who made me fall in love with him? If I don't act quickly, I'm afraid I will be caught first."

   "I'm really curious about which divine party made you so tempted."

"Hey... he is not divine, but he is really good-looking and tall, and he has retired from the team. If he is not older, such a good thing will not happen to me. .”

   "The older one is how old are you?"

   "Eight years old, he is twenty-six years old."

"That is not bad."

"I think so too, and I think older men are more caring. When I hang out with him, he takes special care of me. Although he won't say anything pleasant to me, but with him Being together makes me feel very at ease."

After listening to Yang Taotao's words, Lu Xiaoxiao had a pretty good impression of the man Yang Taotao was about to marry, because she knew Yang Taotao well, so she knew that if that man was not good, Yang Taotao would never say good things about him in front of her .

  So she said to Yang Taotao: "Taotao, I will be at your house on time on the 6th of next month."

   "Then we have a deal."


  After Lu Xiaoxiao hung up the phone, she looked at the wall clock on the wall and saw that it was already seven o'clock, so she planned to eat before taking a bath.

  The next morning at 7:30 in the morning, Lu Xiaoxiao went to the office of the purchasing department to sign a check-in, and immediately withdrew the fee from the finance department.

  When she got the payment, she rushed towards the cement factory without stopping.

  When she came to the gate of the cement factory, she was about to let the old Tiantou take her in, but before she could speak, the old Tiantou let her into the factory directly.

  It seems that Mu Aihua has explained to Lao Tiantou in the morning, otherwise Lao Tiantou would not let her enter the factory.


  Lu Xiaoxiao came to the door of the factory director's office and saw that the door was closed, so she reached out and knocked on the door.

   "Come in."

After hearing Mu Aihua's words, Lu Xiaoxiao pushed the door open and went into the office, then she took out the prepared documents from her bag and handed them to Mu Aihua, "Director Mu, I'll give you what you want coming."

   "Thank you so much, sit down, and I'll pour you a glass of water."

   "No need for Director Mu, I have something to do later, so I won't drink water for now."

   "Okay, then you go to work, and come to play with me when you are free."

  Lu Xiaoxiao's heart skipped a beat when she heard Mu Aihua's words, so she asked Mu Aihua, "Director Mu, did you forget something?"

   "Did I forget anything?"

   "Yes, you forgot about the cement."

   "Yes, yes, how could I forget such an important thing? If you didn't remind me, I really wouldn't have remembered it. By the way, how much cement does your factory need?"

  Lu Xiaoxiao did not answer Mu Aihua's words, but took out a piece of paper from her bag and handed it to Mu Aihua, "Director Mu, this is the amount of cement our factory needs."

  (end of this chapter)

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