Chapter 3142 Chain Reaction

   "Lu Xiaoxiao, come to my office." Li Qianjin immediately walked out of the office after answering the phone and said to Lu Xiaoxiao.

  Lu Xiaoxiao frowned slightly after hearing Li Qianjin's words. What is Li Qianjin looking for at this time? Could it be that another moth has appeared somewhere?

   "Xiaoxiao, Director Li asked you to go to his office, why are you still sitting still?" Seeing that Lu Xiaoxiao was sitting motionless, Zhang Yuanyuan hurriedly said to Lu Xiaoxiao.

   "I'll go right away." After Lu Xiaoxiao finished speaking, she stood up and walked towards Li Qianjin's office.

  When she entered Li Jinjin's office, she asked Li Jinjin, "Director Li, what do you want from me?"

   "Did you sort out the relevant materials and experience of building a family building in our factory and send it to Mu Aihua, Mu's factory manager this morning?"

   "Yes, I mentioned this matter to you yesterday, and I only gave the things to Director Mu with your permission."

  After hearing what Lu Xiaoxiao said, Li Qianjin knew that Lu Xiaoxiao had misunderstood, so he explained to Lu Xiaoxiao: "I don't mean to blame you, I just want to confirm things."

   "Oh, does Director Li have anything else to do?"

   "No more, but can you sort out a few more copies of the materials you gave to Director Mu?"

   "Yes, yes, but why does Director Li want so many copies of the same thing?"

   "I don't want it, but the director of another factory wants it."

   "The directors of other factories? How did they know about my stuff? It couldn't be said by Director Mu."

   "That's right, that kid said it, and now he's still showing off to others."

  The corners of Lu Xiaoxiao's mouth twitched involuntarily when she heard Li Qianjin's words, and then she and Li Qianjin explained that they would give him the things tomorrow, and then walked out of the office.

   "Xiaoxiao, are you okay?" Zhang Yuanyuan asked Lu Xiaoxiao when she saw that Lu Xiaoxiao's face was not very good-looking after Lu Xiaoxiao came back.

   "It's okay, Director Li just asked me something."

   "That's good, let's go have lunch together later."

   "Okay, what's delicious for lunch?"

   "Braised pork."

   "I just said why you suddenly want to go to the cafeteria with me for lunch. It turns out that there is braised pork today."

   "Hehe... I usually want to go to lunch with you, but you are too busy and basically not in the office. I just want to go with you, but there is no way."

   "It seems that I seldom stay in the office recently, but I have nothing to do in the next period of time. We can go to the cafeteria to eat together every day."

   "That's great, I finally don't have to go to the cafeteria to eat alone."

   "Do you go to lunch alone every day?" Lu Xiaoxiao asked after hearing Zhang Yuanyuan's words.

   "Yes, I don't know many people in the factory, and you are the only one I have a good relationship with, so I didn't go to the cafeteria to have lunch with anyone else except you."

  After listening to Zhang Yuanyuan's words, Lu Xiaoxiao felt that Zhang Yuanyuan could not go on like this, because she would definitely be busier and busier in the future, and might even leave the food factory, so Zhang Yuanyuan must not be the only friend in the food factory.

So she said to Zhang Yuanyuan: "Yuanyuan, you can try to make more friends, so that you won't be alone when I'm not in the factory. I think there is a good person in the purchasing department. You can try to make friends with him." She makes friends."

  (end of this chapter)

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