Chapter 3143 Make more friends

   "Who is it?" Zhang Yuanyuan asked curiously after hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words.

   "The official is quiet."

   "Who? Say it again."

   "The official is quiet."

"Xiaoxiao, have you misunderstood someone? Guan Wenjing's cold appearance of rejecting people thousands of miles away, no matter how I look at it, I think she is a cold girl who can't be friends with others." Zhang Yuanyuan confirmed that she heard correctly. After speaking, he opened his mouth and said to Lu Xiaoxiao.

After hearing Zhang Yuanyuan's words, Lu Xiaoxiao stopped what she was doing, then looked at Zhang Yuanyuan with a serious face and said, "Yuanyuan, you can't just look at people on the surface. I have seen Zhang Wenjing take the initiative to help the elderly cross the road and help children Picking up the ball, so Zhang Wenjing is a person with a cold face and a warm heart, you and her will definitely become good friends."

"Is that so?"


   "Then let me try. If she is really what you said, I will definitely be able to get along with her, and I will definitely be able to become good friends with her."

   "Come on, I hope you can make more friends in the factory, so that if you encounter something in the future, someone will help you."


  At 11:30 noon, Lu Xiaoxiao and Zhang Yuanyuan quickly packed up their things, and ran towards the cafeteria with their lunch boxes.

  Since Zhang Yuanyuan had a falling out with his family, no one helped them get food through the back door, so now they have to rely on themselves if they want to eat good food.

   "Xiaoxiao, have you bought braised pork?" Zhang Yuanyuan asked Lu Xiaoxiao after squeezing out from the crowd.

   "I got it, how about you?"

   "I didn't buy it, the last piece of braised pork was bought by the person in front of me."

   "It's okay, you eat my share, and you also know that I don't like eating fat."

   "Then I'll give you the money and tickets later."

   "No, I'll give you the lean meat and fat from the braised pork after I eat it."

   "Okay, I'll eat a big meal today, and next time I grab braised pork, I'll give you all the lean meat."


  In the next half a month or so, Lu Xiaoxiao's life was very peaceful and regular, except for going to work every day, she just stayed at home and did what she liked.

  It wasn't until July 5th that she remembered that Yang Taotao was getting married, so she immediately got up and walked towards Yang Huai.

  When she came to Yang Huai's desk, she said to Yang Huai, "Deputy Director Yang, I would like to ask you for three days off."


   "Send the little sister out."

   "Okay, I'll give you a leave of absence right now." After Yang Huai finished speaking, he took out a piece of paper from the drawer, quickly wrote a leave of absence to Lu Xiaoxiao, and handed it to Lu Xiaoxiao.

  After Lu Xiaoxiao took the slip from Yang Huai, she read the content on the slip, and seeing that the date was correct, she thanked Yang Huai and went back to her place to pack her things.

   Zhang Yuanyuan saw that Lu Xiaoxiao started to pack things before she got off work, so she asked Lu Xiaoxiao curiously: "Xiaoxiao, what are you doing packing now?"

"I took a day off."

   "Why did you ask for leave so well, I didn't hear you ask for leave before."

   "I just remembered that a friend of mine is getting married tomorrow, so I have to ask for leave to drink her wedding wine."

   "It turns out that you asked for leave for this reason, so when will you come back?"

   "The day after tomorrow."

"so long?"

   "My friend is from the next county, so I have to go today and come back the day after tomorrow."

   "Okay, then be careful when you take the train."


  (end of this chapter)

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