Reborned as an Orphan Girl With a Spatial Pocket!

Chapter 3157: who is that grandson

  Chapter 3157 Who is that grandson

  When she threw herself into Zhang Xu's arms, she said to Zhang Xu: "Zhang Xu, you are so kind to me, I don't even know how to repay your kindness to me."

   "Since you don't know how to repay it now, think about it when you grow up. Anyway, we still have a lot of time, enough for you to figure it out."

  After listening to Zhang Xu's words, Lu Xiaoxiao always felt that there was something in Zhang Xu's words, but she couldn't think of what was in those words, so she simply didn't think about it.

   Withdrew directly from Zhang Xu's arms, then said hello to Zhang Xu, then sat back to his seat and drank pimple soup.

  After she finished drinking the pimple soup, she saw that there was still half a bowl of pimple soup in Zhang Xu's bowl, so she asked Zhang Xu, "Can't you eat it?"


   "Then let me help you eat, I don't dislike your saliva."

   "No, I'll save it for tomorrow, and it's not good to eat too much at night. If you still want to eat, I'll cook it for you tomorrow morning."

   "Okay, then remember to cook me pimple soup tomorrow morning, this kind with coriander."


   "Then I went upstairs to sleep, and you go to bed early."


  The next morning when Lu Xiaoxiao woke up at nine o'clock in the morning, she saw that the sun was shining outside the window, so she knew it was getting late, so she immediately got up and went to the bathroom to wash up.

   Fortunately, she asked for leave today, otherwise she would definitely be late today.

  After washing up, Lu Xiaoxiao came to the first floor, and saw Zhang Xu sitting on the sofa reading a newspaper, so she walked up to Zhang Xu and said, "Sorry, I overslept."

   "It's okay, I'm going to make pimple soup for you now."

   "Have you eaten?" Lu Xiaoxiao asked after hearing Zhang Xu's words.


   "You don't have to wait for me to eat in the future, because I wake up at different times every day."


   An hour later, Lu Xiaoxiao finished her breakfast, and she asked Zhang Xu who was washing the dishes: "Zhang Xu, didn't you say that you still have a lot of things to deal with, why come to me when you have time."

   "It's been dealt with."

   "You shouldn't be working overtime to deal with things."


   "Don't do this next time, I will feel bad."


   "By the way, have you found out who that pretender is?"

   "Found it."

   "Who is the grandson?"

   "A grandson of an elder, he has a little trouble with me, and I don't know where he knew about my relationship with you, so he came to punish you when he had no way to punish me."

  Lu Xiaoxiao was speechless immediately after listening to Zhang Xu's words, so she asked Zhang Xu: "Do you have a good relationship with that elder?"

   "He is a respectable elder."

   "I see, I'll let that grandson down this time, but next time he dares to call to pretend to be a ghost, I will definitely not let him go."

   "Don't worry, he may not have a chance this year."


   "Because he is lying on a hospital bed now, and he will not be discharged in a few months."

   "Could it be you who brought him to the hospital?" Lu Xiaoxiao asked after listening to Zhang Xu's words.

"it's me."

   "Aren't you afraid that elder will be angry by doing this?"

"He will not."

   "Why not, you sent his grandson into the hospital."

   "Because he wants me to give his grandson a good lesson, and it's best to get his grandson back."

   "I understand, the elder who feels emotionally has no ability to control his grandson, so he will let you take care of it."


  (end of this chapter)

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