Chapter 3158 Exam No.

"Thanks for your hard work."

   "Fortunately, if you have the opportunity to see him, you can also teach him a lesson, as long as no one is killed."

   "It seems that that person has reached the point where people hate dogs, but judging from his family background, he shouldn't be taught to be like this. Could it be that there are some hidden secrets in the middle?"

   "Well, he lived with his natal family before, and he was brought back in the past two years."

   "It's understandable. I said that the elder can make you respect him so much. No matter what, he won't teach such a grandson. The original reason is here."


   "Don't talk about him, tell me about Chen Guang. Chen Guang has been in the training camp for so long, how is the situation now?"

   "Chen Guang has made great progress. He has successfully passed the training camp assessment more than a month ago, and is now a member of the Qilin organization."

   "That's good. Originally, I thought that Chen Guang would not be able to survive the training camp and would quit midway. I didn't expect him to make it through. It seems that my medicines were not in vain."

   "Chen Guang has good potential, but his personality is a bit lazy, but as long as he is urged, he will do better than ordinary people."

   "Then you have to get someone to supervise him well, and you can't waste a good seedling no matter what."

   "I've got the gray cat on him."

   "That's good, by the way, how long can you stay this time?"

   "A week or so."

   "It's really great, we can take the train together and leave Harbin at that time."

   "Are you planning to go to Beijing?"

   "No, I'm going to Haishi. This time, a group of people from the factory will go to Haishi to study, and I'm honored to be the representative sent by the purchasing department."


   "You don't need to congratulate me, because this is not a good job, but a hard job, otherwise I, a newcomer, won't be able to turn." Lu Xiaoxiao said after hearing Zhang Xu's words.

   "I see that you are very happy, and you don't look like you are going to suffer."

"Hehe... I saw it from you. In fact, I think it's good to go to Haishi this time. After all, it was more than two years ago when I went to Haishi last time. I don't know what Haishi is like now. I kind of miss Haishi. The pan-fried buns and braised pork from the city.”

   "Then you can have a good taste this time."

   "Don't worry, I will definitely, I will not only eat it myself, but also bring it to you."

   "No need, I have a lot of opportunities to go to Haishi during the year, so I will bring it to you in the future."


   "Summer vacation is coming soon, when is your exam date?"

   "I don't know about this. If you didn't mention the exam, I would have forgotten about it."

   "Do you need me to call and ask for you?"

   "No, I'll go to the school and ask myself."

   "Well, you can go now, the sun is too big in the afternoon."

   "Okay, I'll go then, I'll make lunch with you when I come back."


   Lu Xiaoxiao came to the school more than half an hour later. Since it was class time, there was no one walking around in the school. She quickly came to the door of the teacher's office.

  Seeing Xie Yue sitting on the seat correcting homework, she walked into the office and said to Xie Yue, "Mr. Xie."

  When Xie Yue heard someone calling her, she stopped what she was doing, then raised her head and looked aside, and saw Lu Xiaoxiao.

  So she asked Lu Xiaoxiao, "Why are you here?"

   "Mr. Xie, I came here to ask what date your final exam is scheduled for?"

  (end of this chapter)

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