Octopus No. 3159

   "So you came to school for this reason, but you came at the right time, because the final exam is scheduled for the day after tomorrow. Even if you don't come today, I will send someone to your house to inform you."

"Thank you, teacher."

   "You're welcome, how is your review going, are you sure about this exam?"

   "I have mastered all the knowledge that should be mastered. If the topic is not up to date, I have no problem."

   "That's really great, you go home and have a good rest, just come to school for the exam the morning after tomorrow."

   "Then I'll go home first, goodbye teacher."


  It was already eleven o'clock when Lu Xiaoxiao returned home. She didn't see Zhang Xu in the living room, so she knew that Zhang Xu must be making lunch in the kitchen, so she walked towards the kitchen.

  When she came to the kitchen, she saw Zhang Xu killing fish in the sink.

  So she asked Zhang Xu, "Where did you get the fish?"

   "I caught it in a pool in the mountains when I was on a mission."

   "Aren't you very nervous when you go out on missions? Why do you still have time to catch fish?"

   "There will be some free time when I am trimming."

   "Okay, is there anything I can do for you?"

   "No, just sit down."

   "How about that, we agreed to make lunch together before."

   "Then you pick the vegetables in the basket."

   "Okay." After finishing speaking, Lu Xiaoxiao brought the basket over, and then began to pick vegetables.

  After she picked the vegetables, she saw that Zhang Xu had cooked the braised fish, so she immediately took the vegetables to the sink to wash.

  After Zhang Xu cleaned the pot, he saw that the little girl had washed the dishes. He reached out to take the dishes in the little girl's hand, and said to the little girl, "You take the fish to the living room."

   "Okay." After Xiaoxiao finished speaking, she walked towards the living room with the braised fish in hand.

  When she put the fish on the dining table, she didn't go to the kitchen again, but picked up a bowl and a spoon to serve the rice.

  When Zhang Xu entered the living room with the fried vegetables, he saw that the little girl had already served the rice. After he put the vegetables on the table, he said to the little girl, "It's time to eat."

  Lu Xiaoxiao nodded after hearing what Zhang Xu said, and then sat down.

  After the little girl sat down, Zhang Xu took off the apron he was wearing, sat on the stool opposite the little girl, and said to the little girl, "Try the braised fish I made without spines."

   "How do you know there are no thorns, have you ever eaten?"

   "Well, otherwise I wouldn't catch it back."

   "Great, what I hate the most is to spit out fishbone when eating fish, it's too troublesome."

   "I'll give you all the fish in the universe bag later."

   "No, no, I don't have much interest in fish. It's okay to eat it once in a while. If you let me eat fish often, I won't be able to eat."

  After hearing the little girl's words, Zhang Xu thought that the little girl rarely eats fish on weekdays. It seems that the little girl really doesn't like fish, so he nodded to the little girl.

  Seeing Zhang Xu nodding, Lu Xiaoxiao breathed a sigh of relief, and then asked Zhang Xu to eat quickly, so that the fish would not turn fishy when it was cold.

  After lunch, Lu Xiaoxiao sat on the sofa and ate watermelon while saying to Zhang Xu: "Zhang Xu, Mr. Xie said that the final exam will be the day after tomorrow, let me prepare well at home."

   "Do you need to prepare?"

   "No, I've already completed high school by myself, so a small final exam won't bother me."

  (end of this chapter)

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