Chapter 3178 Green tea whore

   When Lu Xiaoxiao came to the seat with the monkey, she saw Zhou Hao's luggage on the seat she was sitting in before, so she knew that Zhou Hao had checked the position for her.

  So she said to Zhou Hao: "Comrade Zhou Hao, thank you for helping me find the location."

   "You're welcome, this is just a trivial matter, are you going to come in and sit?"

   "No, I plan to sleep in my brother's compartment tonight, my brother's ticket is a sleeper ticket."

   "That's really great, don't worry, I will definitely help you check the location."

   "Thank you for your kindness, but you don't need to look at the seat, because my brother's friend plans to sit in my seat for one night."

   Zhou Hao looked behind Lu Xiaoxiao after hearing what Lu Xiaoxiao said, and then he saw a big tall man smiling at him, looking a little silly for no reason.

   But it was difficult for him to say this, so he had to smile back at the tall man.

  Lu Xiaoxiao saw that Zhou Hao and the monkey greeted each other, so she said to the monkey: "Monkey, you go in and sit down, I'm going back to the sleeper car."

   "I'll take you there."

   "No, I'll go back alone."

  Monkey thought of Lu Xiaoxiao's skills after hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, so he didn't say anything to send Lu Xiaoxiao back, but jumped and sat down directly.

  Lu Xiaoxiao saw that the monkey was sitting on the seat, she nodded to Zhou Hao, then turned and walked towards the sleeper car.

As soon as Cao Juanjuan came back from the toilet, she saw that the seat Lu Xiaoxiao was sitting in had been replaced by someone else, so she walked up to Zhou Hao and asked, "Comrade Zhou Hao, where did Comrade Lu Xiaoxiao sitting next to you go? "

   "I don't know, why are you asking this?"

   "I just want to know why Comrade Lu Xiaoxiao would rather change positions with other people than me. Could it be that I offended her somewhere?"

  After hearing Cao Juanjuan's words, Zhou Hao couldn't help but rolled his eyes in his heart, and then slandered: Didn't you just offend people? The smug look of you and your partner before was really disgusting.

  If he were Lu Xiaoxiao, he would not give up his position to Cao Juanjuan.

  But even though he thought so in his heart, he would not say these words. After all, Cao Juanjuan is also a member of the food factory. If he prevents Cao Juanjuan from coming to Taiwan outside, it will not be good for the reputation of the food factory.

So he said to Cao Juanjuan: "I don't know what caused Comrade Lu Xiaoxiao not to give up the seat to you, why don't you ask Comrade Lu Xiaoxiao in person tomorrow? After all, you haven't arrived in Haishi yet, Comrade Lu Xiaoxiao Will definitely come back here.”

   "No, thank you." Cao Juanjuan turned and left with a dark face after she finished speaking.

  After Cao Juanjuan left, Monkey asked Zhou Hao, "What's going on?"

  After hearing what the monkey said, Zhou Hao thought that the monkey was brother Lu Xiaoxiao's friend, and it didn't matter if he told the monkey what happened, so he directly told the monkey what happened.

  Hearing Zhou Hao's words, Monkey was furious. At the same time, he also knew that the woman just now was the green tea **** that Lu Xiaoxiao was talking about.

  It's a pity that he knew it too late. If he had known earlier that the green tea **** was bullying Lu Xiaoxiao, he would have dealt with that green tea **** just now.

  Because in the eyes of these people, there is often no distinction between men and women. If they were soft-hearted towards all women and children, they would have died no less than 800 times.

  (end of this chapter)

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