Chapter 3179 Arrived in Haishi

  The next morning, Lu Xiaoxiao left the sleeper car after breakfast and returned to the car full of seats.

  When she came to the row of seats where she was sitting yesterday, she saw Monkey and Zhou Hao chatting while eating steamed buns.

  So she asked the monkey: "Monkey, are you going to sit here or go back to the sleeper car."

   "I'm going back to the sleeper car. I didn't sleep much last night. I need to go back and catch up on sleep."

  Lu Xiaoxiao nodded after hearing what the monkey said, and then stepped back a few steps to make room for the monkey.

  Seeing that Lu Xiaoxiao made room for him, the monkey stuffed the small piece of steamed bun left in his hand into his mouth, and then propped himself up on the table and jumped onto the aisle.

  After he stood still, he said to Lu Xiaoxiao: "Master Xiao, I'm going back first, we'll change places tonight.


   After the monkey left, Lu Xiaoxiao asked Zhou Hao and someone she didn't know to make way for her, and then went into the innermost seat by the window and sat down.

  After Lu Xiaoxiao sat down, Zhou Hao said to Lu Xiaoxiao: "Comrade Lu Xiaoxiao, Cao Juanjuan came again shortly after you left yesterday."

   "Oh, what did she say this time?"

   "I didn't say anything, I was just curious why you didn't give up your position to her, but to an outsider."

  After listening to Zhou Hao's words, Lu Xiaoxiao knew that Zhou Hao hadn't told Cao Juanjuan about her relationship with the monkey, nor had she told Cao Juanjuan about her going to the sleeper to rest.

  So she said to Zhou Hao: "Thank you, I owe you this time, if you encounter any difficulties in the future, you can come to me."

   "No, no, I didn't do anything. I just don't like Cao Juanjuan."

  Lu Xiaoxiao didn't say anything after hearing Zhou Hao's words, because it's meaningless to talk too much about some things, as long as she knows clearly in her heart.

   Zhou Hao saw that Lu Xiaoxiao fell silent after he finished speaking, so he thought that Lu Xiaoxiao had withdrawn the promise, which made him heave a sigh of relief.

For the next two days, life was very peaceful. It was not until the train stopped by the Haishi platform at 6:30 in the morning on the third day that Lu Xiaoxiao quickly packed her things and followed Yu Dan towards the train station. Squeeze under the train.

When she squeezed out of the train, she saw Zhang Xu watching her not far away, so she ran over to Zhang Xu and said, "You go to the place where you live first, and I guess you will live with the people from the food factory. Hotel, after you settle down, find me at the state-run hotel."

   Zhang Xu nodded after hearing what the little girl said, and then he told the little girl to be careful, and took the monkey and the others away.

After Zhang Xu and the others left, Lu Xiaoxiao returned to the team of the food factory. Seeing that the people in the food factory were basically bored, she asked Yu Dan, "Comrade Yu Dan, when will we arrive?" The place?"

   "We will go when everyone arrives."

   "Who is still missing?"

   "Who else can it be, isn't it just those two people."

  Lu Xiaoxiao was speechless after hearing Yu Dan's words. She never thought that Wu Li and Cao Juanjuan would be late even after getting off the car. She was really speechless to them.

After more than ten minutes, Lu Xiaoxiao finally saw Wu Li and Cao Juanjuan getting out of the car. She saw that the skirt Cao Juanjuan was wearing was completely different from what she saw when she got off the car just now, so she knew why Wu Li and Cao Juanjuan Late, emotional Cao Juanjuan went to change clothes before getting off the train.

  (end of this chapter)

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