Chapter 3195 Looking for scolding for nothing

   At 4:30 in the afternoon, Lu Xiaoxiao and the others dragged their tired bodies out of the food factory after a day of study. Just when she wanted to tell Yu Dan that she would go directly to the Peace Hotel by car, she saw Zhang Xu walking towards her.

  So she said to Yu Dan: "Comrade Yu Dan, my brother has come to pick me up, so I won't go back to the state-run hotel with you."

  Yu Dan nodded after hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, and then he looked in the direction where Lu Xiaoxiao left, and saw a man with a handsome appearance, and he couldn't help but gasp.

  Because the man in front of him is the best-looking man he has ever seen.

   "Comrade Yu Dan, what are you looking at?" Seeing that Yu Dan had been staring at Lu Xiaoxiao's brother, Zhou Hao leaned forward and asked Yu Dan.

   "Go, go, what the **** are you thinking, kid, have you mastered everything you learned today?"


   "Then hurry up and study, don't hold back our factory."

   "Don't worry, Comrade Yu Dan, I'm definitely not the one who is holding back, because when I was studying today, someone in our factory was sleeping there."

   "Who? How did I not notice."

   "Who else could it be, isn't it the two shit-stirring sticks? I don't think they came to study at all. I don't know which department sent them two to study. They are really out of their minds."

   "You can just talk about it here, don't talk about it elsewhere, or it will be enough for you to drink a few pots."

   "I know, I'm not stupid, I didn't tell you this because we have a good relationship."

   "Okay, let's go to the bus station." After Yu Dan finished speaking, he greeted people and walked towards the bus station.

  When Wu Li arrived at the bus stop, he walked up to Yu Dan and said to Yu Dan, "Comrade Yu Dan, Comrade Cao Juanjuan and I have something to ask for leave, and I hope you will approve it."

  Yu Dan frowned involuntarily when he heard Wu Li's words, and then asked Wu Li, "What do you need to ask for leave?"

   "Comrade Cao Juanjuan and I want to buy some things for our wedding."

"Nonsense, do you two know what you are doing in Haishi this time? You two slept there for me when I was studying today. Now that you wake up, you will go to the store to buy things. Do you really think you are coming out to study this time?" I'm here to play.

  If the two of you really have this kind of thinking, then you can just buy a ticket and go back. We don’t need people like you who don’t have a sense of collective honor. "

  Wu Li was dumbfounded when he heard Yu Dan's words. He didn't think that he just asked for a leave of absence, and somehow he angered Yu Dan. This Yu Dan is really too stingy.

  When Cao Juanjuan saw that Wu Li was scolded **** by Yu Dan for asking for leave, she was so angry that it was obviously not time for study now, why would Yu Dan not let them go shopping, she was really mad at her.

  But she was angry, but she didn't dare to speak out what was in her heart, and she didn't dare to speak up for Wu Li, because he was afraid that Yu Dan would scold her too.

   A few minutes later, Yu Dan had enough of scolding, so he asked Wu Li, "Do you still want to ask for leave?"

   "I don't want to, I won't ask for leave in the future."

"Remember what you said, if you dare to ask me for leave again, I'll send someone to send you two back." After Yu Dan finished speaking, he saw the bus coming, and he took the people on the bus, without further ado. Pay attention to Wu Li and Cao Juanjuan.

  (end of this chapter)

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