Chapter 3196 Eat

  When Lu Xiaoxiao and Zhang Xu returned to the hotel room, she took off the bag she was carrying and put it on the sofa, and sat down on the sofa.

Seeing the little girl's tired look, Zhang Xu knew that she was very tired today, so he poured a glass of water and handed it to the little girl, "Drink the water first, and then think about what you want to eat. I'll let the restaurant deliver it to you." Come up."

  Lu Xiaoxiao nodded after hearing Zhang Xu's words, took the cup from Zhang Xu's hand, drank the water in the cup in one go, and then lay back on the sofa again.

   "Have you thought about what to eat?" Zhang Xu asked the little girl after pouring himself a glass of water.

   "No, just look at it, I basically have nothing to eat."

   "Okay." After Zhang Xu finished speaking, he picked up the microphone and called the restaurant.

  After Zhang Xu made the phone call, Lu Xiaoxiao looked at Zhang Xu with a strange expression, and then said to Zhang Xu: "Don't you like chili peppers? Why do you order all the dishes with chili peppers this time?"

   "I can eat spicy food now, so as long as the dish is not particularly spicy, I can accept it."

  After hearing Zhang Xu's words, Lu Xiaoxiao sympathized with Zhang Xu in her heart, because the Sichuan dishes Zhang Xu ordered were not usually spicy, and Zhang Xu's complexion might change again.

   "Kou Kou Kou Kou Kou Kou..." Lu Xiaoxiao was about to ask Zhang Xu if he would like to order some more non-spicy dishes, but before she could say anything, she heard a knock on the door.

  So she glanced at Zhang Xu, and saw Zhang Xu get up to open the door.

   "Boss, is there anything to eat?" The monkey immediately asked Zhang Xu when Zhang Xu opened the door.

   "Why are you back, didn't you tell you to stare at that person?"

   "We kept an eye on it, but we were discovered by that person. If the gray cat and I hadn't run so fast, we would probably have been killed by her."

   "Come in, I ordered food, you can call what you want to eat."

  The monkey and the gray cat nodded after hearing Zhang Xu's words, and then they walked into the house.

  After the monkey entered the room, he saw Lu Xiaoxiao sitting on the sofa, his eyes lit up immediately, so he asked Lu Xiaoxiao, "Master Xiao, shall we eat snail noodles tonight?"

   "Don't eat, you didn't see that I was so tired that I didn't want to move anymore, so eat it another day."


More than half an hour later, the food ordered by Lu Xiaoxiao and the others arrived. Lu Xiaoxiao looked at the food on the tea table and asked Zhang Xu and the others: "Are you ordering too much? What if you can't finish it?" manage?"

   "Don't worry, that kind of thing won't happen, because if there are monkeys, there will be no figure."

  After listening to Zhang Xu's words, Lu Xiaoxiao looked at the slightly slender figure of the monkey. She didn't know where all the food the monkey ate went. Why didn't she lose a little fat? She was really envious.

   "Eat quickly, or there will be no food in a while." Zhang Xu saw the little girl suddenly became dazed, so he took a piece of braised pork for the little girl, and then said to the little girl.

  Lu Xiaoxiao nodded after hearing what Zhang Xu said, and then joined the food grabbing team.

More than an hour later, the dinner was over, Lu Xiaoxiao was walking around the room while stroking her stuffed stomach, and said to Zhang Xu and the others: "You guys just ate a lot more than I ate, do you want to stand up?" Get up and walk around, don't accumulate food."

   "Don't worry, Master Xiao, we are only half full after eating, so we don't need to digest."

  (end of this chapter)

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