Chapter 3257 A profound lesson

"What do you want?"

   "I don't want to do anything, I just can't be slandered by you for nothing, it's related to my personality."

  Cao Juanjuan was so angry that she was about to explode when she heard Lu Xiaoxiao's words, but she had nothing to do with Lu Xiaoxiao.

  So she took a deep breath and asked Lu Xiaoxiao, "Tell me, what do you want?"

   "Apologize, I want you to apologize to us loudly, the kind of apology that everyone present can hear."

   "Okay, I promise you, but what if I find a watch in your bag later?"

   "Of course I apologize, but the premise is that you can really find the watch from our bag."

   "OK, open your bags."

  After Lu Xiaoxiao heard Cao Juanjuan's words, she took a look at Cao Juanjuan, and she asked Zhou Hao to bring the bag, and then opened the bag with Zhou Hao for Cao Juanjuan to check.

   A few minutes later, Cao Juanjuan turned Lu Xiaoxiao and Zhou Hao's bags upside down, but she didn't see the thing she wanted the most.

  So she looked at Lu Xiaoxiao and Zhou Hao and said, "What about the watch, where did you hide it?"

   "How do I know, why don't you look for it again?"

   "No, the watch must have been hidden by you, please hand over my watch quickly, or don't blame me for being rude to you."

"Hehe...You're welcome, why don't you want to be rude to us, obviously you were the one who showed off the new watch on the train, but someone spotted and stole the watch, and now you're asking us to ask for the watch, it's ridiculous. "

  All the people present turned ugly when they heard Lu Xiaoxiao's words. It was very pitiful that they lost Cao Juanjuan's watch, so they asked Cao Juanjuan to check their bags.

  But they didn't expect that there was such a hidden secret in it. If they had known this hidden secret, they would never let Cao Juanjuan check their bags anyway.

  After Cao Juanjuan noticed that the eyes of the people looking at her had changed, she began to panic in her heart. She didn't expect that Lu Xiaoxiao would tell about her showing off her watch, it was really disgusting.

  But if Lu Xiaoxiao thinks that she just surrendered like that, she really underestimates her. Today she has to get the watch from Zhou Hao's hand no matter what, so she just sits on the ground and howls.

  She was crying and complaining there. In short, she described herself as a miserable person, trying to make everyone feel sympathetic to her.

   Zhou Hao frowned tightly seeing this scene, and then he said to Lu Xiaoxiao: "Comrade Lu Xiaoxiao, this Cao Juanjuan is really shameless."

   "It's okay, she can only use this move once, let's see how I break her move."

   "You have a way to deal with her?"

   "Of course, I said that dealing with Cao Juanjuan is very simple, just watch."

   Zhou Hao nodded after hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, and then he stood quietly behind Lu Xiaoxiao, watching how Lu Xiaoxiao dealt with Cao Juanjuan.

  After Cao Juanjuan finished crying, Lu Xiaoxiao said to Cao Juanjuan: "Comrade Cao Juanjuan, when are you going to apologize? I'm in a hurry to go home."

   "What apology?"

   "What do you mean, it was something you promised just now, so many people are watching, don't try to cheat."

   "I... I didn't cheat, it's just that I'm in such a miserable situation, can't you let me go once?"

   "You are so miserable? Why didn't I see it, and your misfortune has nothing to do with me, and I didn't make you so miserable, so please apologize quickly, I am anxious to come back."

  (end of this chapter)

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