Chapter 3258 Was stolen

After hearing what Lu Xiaoxiao said, all the people present felt that what Lu Xiaoxiao said made sense, plus Cao Juanjuan had tricked them just now, and their hearts were all inclined to Lu Xiaoxiao, so they all urged Cao Juanjuan to hurry up Apologize.

Cao Juanjuan saw that everyone was leaning towards Lu Xiaoxiao, she was panicked all of a sudden, and she couldn't see Wu Li's figure, so she was even more panicked, so she said sorry to Lu Xiaoxiao loudly, and then she was ashamed. Yoo squeezed out of the crowd and ran away.

   Lu Xiaoxiao saw Cao Juanjuan leaving, she thanked the people who helped her speak just now, and walked towards Yu Dan standing outside the crowd with Zhou Hao.

   "Are you all right?" Yu Dan asked when Lu Xiaoxiao and Zhou Hao came to him.

   "It's okay, but I want to ask which department Cao Juanjuan is in."

   "Personnel Department."

   "Hehe... I think you should report the situation of the HR department to your superiors, maybe you can find out something you don't know about."

Yu Dan nodded after hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words. In fact, he planned to report Cao Juanjuan's situation to his superiors without Lu Xiaoxiao reminding him. By the way, he checked the personnel department. People go to Haishi to study.

   Seeing that Yu Dan had listened to what she said, Lu Xiaoxiao asked Yu Dan when they would return to work in the factory, and walked towards the outside of the train station with Zhou Hao.

  When she got out of the train station, she took out Zhou Hao's watch from her pocket, and handed it to Zhou Hao, "Don't take out the watch for a while, lest Cao Juanjuan come to trouble you again."

   "I see, do you want to go home first or go directly to the factory?" Zhou Hao asked after taking the watch that Lu Xiaoxiao handed him.

   "Go home, I'm not going to the factory today."

   "Oh, then I won't go to the factory either, by the way, can I ask you something?"

"What's up?"

   "I want to transfer to your department, do you think this is reliable?"

  Lu Xiaoxiao glanced at Zhou Hao after hearing Zhou Hao's words. Before that, she was still thinking about how to transfer Zhou Hao to the purchasing department, but she didn't expect Zhou Hao to deliver it to her door by herself. This is really great.

  So she said to Zhou Hao: "If you really want to come to the purchasing department, then you can come. In fact, the purchasing department is quite fun, and you can often travel on business."

   "Okay, then I will apply to the factory tomorrow and ask them to transfer me to the purchasing department."

   "You will get it."

   "I think so too. Then I'm going home, and you should go home early." Zhou Hao waved to Lu Xiaoxiao after speaking, and then he turned and left.

  Lu Xiaoxiao checked the time after Zhou Hao left, and she also walked towards home.

  After more than half an hour, Lu Xiaoxiao returned home, her face turned black when she saw the messy living room turned over, so she put her luggage into the space, and went out directly towards the bureau.

  When she entered the bureau, she walked towards Liu Cheng's office.

   "Why are you here today when you are free?" Liu Cheng asked Lu Xiaoxiao when Lu Xiaoxiao entered the office.

   "My house has been burglarized, take a few people to my house to have a look."

   "What? Your house was burglarized?"


   "My God, who dares to go to your house to steal things, I really admire him."

   "Stop talking nonsense, take someone to collect evidence, now I haven't moved."

   "Okay, I'll call someone right now."

  (end of this chapter)

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