Chapter 3271 agreed

  Ba Dan's face immediately turned pale when he heard Lu Xiaoxiao's words, even paler than when he was whipped before, because he was deeply stimulated by what Lu Xiaoxiao said.

  I think he was also a very moral person at the beginning, but unfortunately since his wife and child fell ill, his morality was gradually worn away by the suffering that life brought him, making him the hideous face he is now.

   But he doesn't want to become what he is now, because he also hates himself now, but he has no way to pull himself out of the abyss, so he can only watch himself sink deeper and deeper.

  Thinking of Bataan's tears, he could no longer stop, sobbing and crying directly.

When Lu Xiaoxiao saw that Badan burst into tears, she couldn't help but twitched the blue veins on her forehead, and then she said to Badan in a cold tone: "Don't cry, if you cry again, I will destroy you and make you become a A cripple."

   "You **** me, I don't want to live anyway, but please send me home after you **** me. I want to die with my family."

   "Heh... You're thinking beautifully. Do you think you won't trouble your family if I abolish you? You're so naive."

Badan was terrified when he heard Lu Xiaoxiao's words. At the same time, he also regretted that he took up this task. He said why the commission for this task was so high but no one took it. The feeling is that the target of the task is too strong. I don't have the guts to take it.

   It's a big joke that he, a fool, took this task.

   "What will you do to let my family go." Badan asked Lu Xiaoxiao.

   "Say who's behind it."

   "No, get another one."

   "Heh... Do you think you are qualified to bargain with me now? I will give you two minutes. If you still have no way to make a decision after two minutes, then I will make the decision for you."

  After hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, Badan fell into a tangle. He gritted his teeth and made a choice until two minutes were up.

   Then she asked Lu Xiaoxiao: "Will you let me and my family go if I tell you who is behind the scenes?"

   "Of course, but you still need to do one thing for me."

"What's up?"

   "Help me draw out the people behind the scenes."

   "Impossible, I can't do it, because I don't know who is behind the scenes, we are all connected by phone."

   "Contact by phone? Are you sure you can't reach her?"

"could not be reached."

   "Okay, then you can continue the mission until the person behind the scenes makes another move, and I will let you go."

  Ba Fang nodded obediently after hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, because now he has no other choice but to nod.

  Seeing that Ba Dan was listening and obedient, Lu Xiaoxiao nodded in satisfaction, and opened the gate of the yard to let Ba Dan leave.

  After taking Dan away, she jumped up to the second floor, then went into the bathroom, took a shower, and went to bed.

When Zhang Yuanyuan woke up the next morning and saw the strange environment, she was stunned for a moment, but she quickly realized that this was Lu Xiaoxiao's home, so she stretched out her hand and stepped back from Lu Xiaoxiao who was sleeping next to her, and then turned towards the Lu Xiaoxiao said: "Xiaoxiao, we should get up, otherwise we will be late for work."

"what time is it now?"

   "It's almost seven o'clock."

   "Oh, then I'll sleep for a while, you go wash up first."

   "Okay, then I'm going to wash up, and you should get up quickly." After Zhang Yuanyuan finished speaking, she got out of bed and walked towards the bathroom.

  (end of this chapter)

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