Chapter 3272 Department not busy

  Lu Xiaoxiao opened her eyes after Zhang Yuanyuan entered the bathroom. Because of Badan's arrival last night, she lost more than an hour of sleep, causing her lack of sleep.

  But it’s only half an hour before going to work, so she’d better get up and go to the office to sleep. Anyway, the purchasing department has nothing to do recently, so she left to catch up on sleep.

   "Xiaoxiao, you're up. I'll make what you want for breakfast." Zhang Yuanyuan washed up and saw that Lu Xiaoxiao was fully dressed, so she asked Lu Xiaoxiao.

   "No, we'll eat at the factory, or we'll be late today."

After Zhang Yuanyuan heard Lu Xiaoxiao's words, she looked at the alarm clock hanging on the wall. Seeing that it was almost time to go to work, if they were still eating breakfast at home, they would definitely be late today, so she nodded to Lu Xiaoxiao. bowed his head.

  At 7:30 in the morning, Lu Xiaoxiao and Zhang Yuanyuan stepped into the office. Seeing that Zhou Hao was cleaning the table for them, they stepped forward and said to Zhang Hao, "Thank you."

   "No, I'm idle, so I might as well find something to do."

   "Oh, was your previous department busy?" Zhang Yuanyuan asked Zhou Hao.

  "I'm very busy, and I hardly have any time to rest."

   "Then it's really profitable for you to transfer to our department, because our department is rarely busy, and it is basically rest time."

   "Really?" Zhou Hao asked incredulously after hearing Zhang Yuanyuan's words.

   "Of course it's true, if you don't believe me, ask Xiaoxiao."

   "It's true, so you better bring some books or something to the office, or you'll be bored to death."

After listening to Lu Xiaoxiao's words, Zhou Hao felt deeply shocked. At first, he thought that the purchasing department was a very busy department. If he transferred to the purchasing department, he would definitely shine, but now someone told him that the purchasing department is a very leisurely department. , How did he accept it.

   "What's wrong with you?" Lu Xiaoxiao asked Zhou Hao when she saw that Zhou Hao's expression was not very good-looking.

   "It's nothing, I just think it's not good for us to have nothing to do every day?"

   "No, as long as we do our job well."

   "What you said seems quite reasonable."

   "It's not very reasonable, it is very reasonable, so you have to adapt to the current job as soon as possible."

"I see."

  Seeing that Zhou Hao really listened to what she said, Lu Xiaoxiao ignored Zhou Hao, pulled the stool and sat down, then lay down on the table to catch up on sleep.

   "What's wrong with Comrade Lu Xiaoxiao?" Zhou Hao asked Zhang Yuanyuan when he saw Lu Xiaoxiao lying on the table.

   "I don't know, but it looks like it's going to sleep, so let's be careful in our next actions and try not to make any noise."

   "I see, but do you still want to hear ghost stories? I can continue talking to you in a low voice."

   "No... No need, I don't think I like listening to ghost stories very much."

  After Zhou Hao saw Zhang Yuanyuan's reaction, he thought of how he was when he heard the ghost story for the first time, and then he asked Zhang Yuanyuan in a low voice, "You must be scared, right?"

   "Who...who said I was scared, don't talk nonsense, or I won't let you go."

   "Don't worry, I'm sure I won't make it clear that you're afraid of hearing ghost stories."

   "I told you I'm not afraid of ghost stories."


  Seeing that Zhou Hao didn't believe what she said at all, Zhang Yuanyuan didn't bother to continue to argue with Zhou Hao, and went to sleep on the table just like Lu Xiaoxiao.

  (end of this chapter)

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