Chapter 3647 Inconvenient

   Li Zhiping and Xiao Fang couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when they saw that Lu Xiaoxiao had ignored them, so they exchanged a few words with Lu Xiaoxiao, and then left.

   After Lu Xiaoxiao watched Li Zhiping and Xiao Fang leave, she twitched her mouth and walked towards the cafeteria.

  When she came to the cafeteria, she saw Zhang Yuanyuan at a glance, because Zhang Yuanyuan was sitting closest to the cafeteria entrance.

  So she walked up to Zhang Yuanyuan and asked Zhang Yuanyuan, "Yuanyuan, why are you sitting here? Aren't you afraid of the cold?"

   "Of course I'm afraid. I'm not afraid that you won't be able to find me, so I just sit where you can see me at a glance."

  After hearing Zhang Yuanyuan's words, Lu Xiaoxiao picked up the two lunch boxes on the table and said to Zhang Yuanyuan, "Come on, let's sit in another seat."


  After lunch, Lu Xiaoxiao did not go back to the office, but accompanied Zhang Yuanyuan to buy coal.

   If you want to talk about the inconvenience of living in a tube building now, it is the most inconvenient to buy coal, because there is no elevator, and you have to rely on your feet, so buying coal can be exhausting.

   "Xiaoxiao, do you want to pay attention for a while?" Zhang Yuanyuan asked Lu Xiaoxiao when she saw that Lu Xiaoxiao carried the coal upstairs three times.

   "No, it doesn't mean much to me, you put the coal in the back basket, and I'll help you carry it."

  After hearing what Lu Xiaoxiao said, Zhang Yuanyuan saw that Lu Xiaoxiao's face was neither red nor sweating, so she knew that Lu Xiaoxiao was not lying.

  So she accelerated the speed of coal loading.

   Half an hour later, Lu Xiaoxiao helped Zhang Yuanyuan carry all the coal upstairs, and while she was sitting on a stool drinking the sugar water Zhang Yuanyuan made for her, she asked Zhang Yuanyuan, "Yuanyuan, how long will you last with that coal?"

   "About three months."

   "Tell me when you buy coal three months later, and I will help you move the coal."

   "Okay, next time you come to my house to help me carry coal, I will treat you to pancakes. The pancakes I make are delicious."

   "Don't keep greedy me anymore, if you continue to greedy me, I will let you eat pancakes for me now."

   Zhang Yuanyuan immediately shut her mouth when she heard what Lu Xiaoxiao said, because she was really afraid that Lu Xiaoxiao would let her make pancakes now.

  It was past four o'clock in the afternoon, and Lu Xiaoxiao saw that she was about to leave work, so she put away her things and was going to go home when the bell rang.

   Half an hour later. When Lu Xiaoxiao heard the bell rang, she said to Zhang Yuanyuan, see you tomorrow, and ran out of the office with her bag on her back.

  When she got home, she took out a three-pound sheep scorpion from the space, and then went to the kitchen to cook the sheep scorpion hot pot.

  After she finished cooking the sheep and scorpion hot pot, seeing that it was getting dark, she put the cooked sheep and scorpion hot pot into the space, put on her coat, and went out to Tianshui Village.

  An hour later, she came to the residence of the masters, and then she took the lamb scorpion hot pot she cooked in the evening out of the basket and put it on the table.

   Then he said to the masters: "This is my sheep scorpion hot pot. You can heat it on the stove when you eat it. As for the others, it's the same as eating hot pot. You can put whatever you like in it to boil."

  Old Fan and the others nodded after hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, indicating that they understood.

Seeing Mr. Fan and the others nodded, Lu Xiaoxiao looked at the time and said to Mr. Fan and the others: "Masters, I have something to do and I will leave first. I will come to see you when I am free. You must take care of yourself." .”

   "Got it, let's go."

   "Then I'm leaving." After Lu Xiaoxiao finished speaking, she walked out of the house.

  (end of this chapter)

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