Chapter 3648 Detoxification (1)

  After more than ten minutes, she came to the door of Liu Ermei's house. She saw the faint voice of Liu Ermei's house, and knew that they hadn't rested yet, so she reached out and knocked on the door.

  When Liu Pingjiang heard the knock on the door, he originally wanted to ask who it was, but when he got to the point of speaking, he thought it might be Lu Xiaoxiao, so he immediately got off the kang and went to the yard to open the door.

  When he came to the yard and opened the door, he saw that it was really Lu Xiaoxiao who came, so he immediately turned sideways to let Lu Xiaoxiao enter the house.

  After Lu Xiaoxiao entered the room, she saw Second Sister Liu sitting on the kang with shoe soles, so she greeted Second Sister Liu, "Second Sister, I'm here to see you."

  After hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, Second Sister Liu raised her head and looked at Lu Xiaoxiao blankly, then she lowered her head again and continued to accept the soles of her shoes.

  After Liu Pingjiang saw Liu Ermei's appearance, he said apologetically to Lu Xiaoxiao: "Xiaoxiao, I'm really sorry, the second sister will look like this at night after taking the medicine you gave me."

   "It's okay, I understand."

  Liu Pingjiang couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief after hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, and then he asked Lu Xiaoxiao: "Xiaoxiao, what are you doing here today?"

   "I'm here to deliver the antidote to Second Sister. As long as Second Sister takes the antidote and I give her an injection, she will be back to normal."

   Liu Pingjiang and Ji Liu were so excited when they heard what Lu Xiaoxiao said, and then they kept saying thank you to Lu Xiaoxiao.

"Uncle Pingjiang, Aunt Liu, don't bother to say thank you to me, quickly feed the medicine to the second sister, and I will give her an injection when the second sister finishes taking the medicine." Lu Xiaoxiao was talking He took the medicine out of the bag and handed it to Liu Pingjiang.

   After Liu Pingjiang took the medicine that Lu Xiaoxiao handed him, he immediately walked towards Second Sister Liu with the medicine.

  When he walked up to Second Sister Liu, he said to Second Sister Liu, "Second Sister, Dad has a bottle of medicine for health, can you drink it?"


  After Liu Pingjiang heard what Liu Ermei said, he opened the medicine immediately, then put the medicine in Liu Ermei's mouth, and then said to Liu Ermei: "Open your mouth."

  After Liu Ermei heard Liu Pingjiang's words, she opened her mouth obediently, and then finished what Liu Pingjiang fed her in one go.

  Liu Pingjiang saw that Liu Ermei drank the medicine, he couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, and then asked Lu Xiaoxiao: "Xiaoxiao, the second sister has already taken the medicine, can I have an injection?"

   "Wait a while before piercing."

   "Why wait, can't it be now?"

   "No, you can't hold the second sister down, I can't give her an injection, so I have to wait for the second sister to pass out before giving her the injection."

  Liu Pingjiang nodded after hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, and then he moved a stool for Lu Xiaoxiao, and sat by the bed and looked at Liu Ermei.

   A few minutes later, Lu Xiaoxiao saw Liu Ermei fainted on the kang, so she said to Liu Pingjiang: "Uncle Pingjiang, go and move the second sister so that she lies flat on the kang, so I can give her an injection."

  After hearing what Lu Xiaoxiao said, Liu Pingjiang immediately moved Liu Ermei to lie flat on the kang.

  Then he said to Lu Xiaoxiao: "It's time to get the needle."

  Lu Xiaoxiao nodded after hearing Liu Pingjiang's words, and then she took out the silver needle from her bag, and began to needle Liu Ermei.

  After half an hour, Lu Xiaoxiao wiped away the fine sweat on her forehead with her sleeve, and then she said to Liu Pingjiang, "I'll go to the side to rest for a while, wake me up in an hour."


  (end of this chapter)

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