Chapter 4282 gives resources (2)

  After hearing Professor Zhang's words, Lu Xiaoxiao knew that he had misunderstood, so she explained to Professor Zhang: "Third Master, I didn't make these things, they were given to me when others came to ask me for help."

   "Oh, then your friend is okay, if you know how to bring a gift to the door."

   "Yeah, he is really okay, so come over and have breakfast."


After more than half an hour, Lu Xiaoxiao finished her breakfast, then she took out ten Great Unity tickets and a small stack of tickets from her pocket and handed them to Professor Wang, "Fourth Master, I still have to go to work in the factory today, so you and Three If Master feels bored at home, he can go for a walk in the street."

Professor Wang nodded after hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, then he unceremoniously took the money and ticket that Lu Xiaoxiao handed him, and said to Lu Xiaoxiao: "Go home for lunch, I'll make it for you Eat foreign food."

   "Okay." Lu Xiaoxiao put her bag on her back after she finished speaking, and then went out to work.

  Professor Zhang asked Professor Wang directly after Lu Xiaoxiao left home, "Give me the money and ticket?"


   "Because you spend money lavishly, I'm afraid you'll give away the money and tickets in one day."

  Professor Wang stuffed the money and tickets into his pocket immediately after hearing what Professor Zhang said, and then said, "Girl Xiao knows that you are reluctant to spend money, so she gave me all the money.

   And you don't have to worry that I will spend all of Xiao girl's money, because I have much more money than Xiao girl, and I will give all the money to Xiao girl when I return to Beijing.

  Anyway, I am alone, and I will leave everything to Xiao girl in the future. "

   After listening to Professor Wang's words, Professor Zhang felt even more uncomfortable, because his situation was different from that of Professor Wang, and it was even more impossible for him to leave all his family property to Lu Xiaoxiao like Professor Wang.

  So at this moment, he can't describe what kind of mood he is in. In short, he feels as if he has weighed down a scale.

   "What's wrong with you?" Professor Wang asked Professor Zhang when he saw that Professor Zhang's expression had changed.

  Professor Zhang shook his head after hearing Professor Wang's words, and then said: "Let's have breakfast, and we'll go out and buy lunch together later."

  Professor Wang nodded after hearing Professor Zhang's words, and then he saw that Professor Zhang didn't want to say more, so he didn't continue to ask, just picked up the chopsticks and continued to eat breakfast.

   "Xiaoxiao, good morning." Liu Ermei greeted Lu Xiaoxiao when Lu Xiaoxiao entered the office.

"Good morning."

   "Why did you come so early today?"

   "If you get up early, come early."

   "So that's how it is. This is the oily fruit my mother fried yesterday. My mother asked me to bring you some." After the two of them finished speaking, they stuffed Lu Xiaoxiao with an oily paper bag.

After Lu Xiaoxiao took the oiled paper bag stuffed by Liu Ermei, she thanked Liu Ermei, and then handed all the materials she had compiled in the past few days to Liu Ermei, saying: "Second sister, this is for you, you should be kind." It’s beautiful, and it’s best to remember all of them.”


   "You will know it when you see it."

  After hearing what Lu Xiaoxiao said, Second Sister Liu reached out to take what Lu Xiaoxiao handed her, then opened the folder and looked at it silently.

   More than an hour later, after Second Sister Liu finished reading what Lu Xiaoxiao gave her, her eyes immediately turned red.

  Because she knew in her heart how precious the thing Lu Xiaoxiao gave her was. It can be said that with this thing, her future work would be smooth sailing, so how could she not be moved.

  (end of this chapter)

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