Chapter 4283 Western food

   "Are you okay?" As soon as Lu Xiaoxiao raised her head, she saw Liu Ermei looking at her with red eyes. She was so frightened that she hurriedly asked Liu Ermei.

   "I'm fine, I'm just so touched, Xiaoxiao, you are so kind to me."

   "Well, I think so too, so you should treat me better in the future."

   "Don't worry, I will treat you very well in the future."

   "I believe it, so don't be moved, or let others see you like this, they will misunderstand what I did to you, and then I can't explain it even if I have eight mouths."

  Second Sister Liu couldn't hold back her laughter when she heard Lu Xiaoxiao's words, then she rubbed her eyes with her hand, and said to Lu Xiaoxiao, "Xiaoxiao, why don't you come to my house for lunch?"

   "No, my two masters will cook something delicious for me at noon, so I'm going home to eat at noon."

   "Master? Are you talking about those people who live in the hut?"

"That's right, two masters were transferred back to Beijing at the beginning of the year, and the remaining two masters have also been transferred back to Beijing recently, but they plan to return to Beijing with me, so they are currently staying at my house .”

Liu Ermei nodded after listening to Lu Xiaoxiao's words, and then she couldn't help sighing: "It's great, everyone's life is getting better and better, just like before, I never dared to think that I could live as good as I am now. day."

   "Yes, the life of each of us is getting better and better, but this is also inseparable from our efforts, so we must not bow to our fate, because as long as we work hard enough, we can always change our destiny."

Second Sister Liu nodded heavily after hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, because she felt that what Lu Xiaoxiao said was absolutely right, so no matter now or in the future, she will not bow to fate, she will be a person who will never admit defeat .

  At around ten o'clock at noon, Lu Xiaoxiao heard the bell ringing for leaving get off work. She put her bag on her back and said to Second Sister Liu, "Second Sister, I'm going home. See you in the afternoon."


  After more than half an hour, Lu Xiaoxiao returned home, and then she saw a large bowl of vegetable salad on the table. It seemed that Professor Wang really planned to cook western food for her.

   It’s just that the western food made by Professor Wang is delicious? It's not that she looks down on Professor Wang's cooking skills, but that seasonings are scarce now. No matter how good Professor Wang's cooking skills are, there is no way to make decent western food.

   "Girl Xiao, you are back." Professor Zhang came out of the kitchen with the fried steak, and saw Lu Xiaoxiao standing in front of the table in a daze, so he said to Lu Xiaoxiao.

  After hearing what Professor Zhang said, Lu Xiaoxiao immediately recovered from her own thoughts, and then she asked Professor Zhang: "Can I have lunch?"

   "It's almost done, Lao Wang is frying the last piece of steak."

   "Okay, do you want some red wine? I have several bottles of red wine."

   "I don't drink it, but I don't know if Lao Wang drinks it or not."

   "I'll drink it, girl Xiao, sober up first."

   After hearing what Professor Zhang said, Lu Xiaoxiao said hello, and then she went to get the red wine from the cabinet.

A few minutes later, after Lu Xiaoxiao brought the sober wine to the table, she saw Professor Wang coming out of the kitchen, so she said to Professor Wang: "Fourth Master, come and sit down quickly, I will open the bottle for you." liquor."

Professor Wang's eyes lit up immediately after hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, so he walked up to Lu Xiaoxiao in three steps at a time, put the steak in his hand in front of Lu Xiaoxiao, and gave Lu Xiaoxiao He drank the wine he had poured.

   Then he said, "Good wine."

  (end of this chapter)

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