Chapter 4285 No apprentices

   "It is indeed in stock, but the quantity of that batch is very large, and the other party is willing to give up the goods to you first unless you can eat them all."

   Manager Xie swallowed unconsciously after hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, and then he asked Lu Xiaoxiao, "Master Xiao, how much does it cost to get that batch of goods?"

   "One hundred thousand."

   "Ten...hundred thousand?"

   "Yes, originally those goods were given by the other party to the South side, but the other party was willing to give you a chance after seeing how happy you were in the last transaction."

   Manager Xie thought for a while after hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, and then he asked Lu Xiaoxiao: "Master Xiao, can you let me make a few calls?"

   "Of course, do I need to avoid it?"

   "No need." Manager Xie called after finishing speaking.

More than ten minutes later, Guanshi Xie finished the call, and then he said to Lu Xiaoxiao: "Master Xiao, I want that batch. Although I can't eat it alone, the people in our line can eat it together." That one hundred thousand dollars."

  Lu Xiaoxiao nodded after hearing Guanshi Xie's words, and then she and Guanshi Xie agreed on a time for the transaction, and asked Guanshi Xie: "Guanshi Xie, is there anyone you know who can make clothes?"

   "Of course, my daughter-in-law is very good at making clothes, and her master came from the palace, so her craftsmanship is outstanding."

  Lu Xiaoxiao's eyes lit up immediately after hearing Guanshi Xie's words, and then she asked Guanshi Xie: "Guanshi Xie, can you let your wife teach a friend of mine how to make clothes? She likes making clothes very much."

   Manager Xie didn't agree immediately after hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, because he thought of that person, and if there wasn't that person, he thought he would agree without hesitation at this moment.

   "Boss Xie, do you have something to hide?" Seeing the change in Guanshi Xie's expression, Lu Xiaoxiao asked Guanshi Xie.

   Manager Xie thought about it after hearing what Lu Xiaoxiao said, and he told Lu Xiaoxiao what happened back then.

  After listening to Guanshi Xie's words, Lu Xiaoxiao understood why Guanshi Xie did this. If she was Guanshi Xie, she would probably refuse directly.

But she didn't want to give up like this, so she asked Guanshi Xie: "Guanshi Xie, can you let your wife meet my friend? If your wife still refuses to teach after meeting my friend, we will definitely not reluctantly."

Manager Xie sighed deeply after hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, and then said Lu Xiaoxiao said: "Okay, but it's not for you, but for my wife, I don't want her to be immersed in that painful period anymore. In memory."

  Lu Xiaoxiao nodded after hearing Guanshi Xie's words, and then he and Guanshi Xie discussed the time and place to meet, and then left the black market and walked towards the food factory.

  When she entered the office of the purchasing department, she saw Ermei Liu sitting in the office alone, so she asked Ermei Liu, "Second sister, why are you alone in the office? Where are the others?"

  After hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, Second Sister Liu knew that Lu Xiaoxiao had forgotten the time for salary payment, so she said to Lu Xiaoxiao: "Xiaoxiao, today is the time for salary payment."

   "Oh, it turns out that today is the time for salary payment. I forgot. Have you received your salary yet?"

   "No, I plan to go when there are fewer people, otherwise I will still be queuing there now."

   "We will go together later."


  (end of this chapter)

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