Chapter 4286 No apprenticeship (2)

   After Lu Xiaoxiao finished her work at three o'clock in the afternoon, she asked Second Sister Liu, "Second Sister, do you have time now?"


   "Then let's go to get paid, there are not so many people at this time."

  Second Sister Liu nodded after hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, and then she and Lu Xiaoxiao went to the Finance Department to collect their salary.

More than half an hour later, Lu Xiaoxiao and Liu Ermei returned to the office after receiving their salaries. He saw Secretary Chen sitting in her seat, so she asked Secretary Chen, "Secretary Chen, what can you do with me?" ?”

   "The factory director asked you to come to his office."

  Lu Xiaoxiao nodded after hearing Secretary Chen's words, and then he and Secretary Chen walked towards the factory director's office.

  When she entered the factory manager's office, she asked Chen Dong, "Uncle Chen, what can you do for me?"

   "I have already done what you asked me to do for you. This is the two hundred yuan that person gave you."

   "Is there any money left?"

   "Of course, your job is much better than the job in the cafeteria, so that person will naturally make up the difference for you."

  After hearing Chen Dong's words, Lu Xiaoxiao accepted the money with peace of mind, and then she asked Chen Dong: "Uncle Chen, when can we report at the cafeteria?"

   "Anytime is fine, but on your side I'm planning tomorrow."

   "I see, I will come to the factory early tomorrow morning to hand over the work to that person."

  Chen Dong nodded after hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, and then he told Lu Xiaoxiao the basic situation of that person, and then asked Lu Xiaoxiao to go back to work.

   "Xiaoxiao, what does the factory manager want from you?" Second Sister Liu asked Lu Xiaoxiao when Lu Xiaoxiao returned to the office.

   "You can ask your mother to report in the cafeteria tomorrow about changing jobs."

  Second Sister Liu's eyes lit up immediately after hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, and then she asked Lu Xiaoxiao excitedly: "Xiaoxiao, is what you said true?"

   "Of course it is true, the job was changed by the factory manager."

   "Thanks, I'll bring you the money tomorrow."

   "Okay, but you can give me three hundred."

   "Three hundred? Isn't work all sold for five hundred?"

   "The person who changed jobs paid me two hundred, so you can give me three hundred."

  Second Sister Liu nodded after hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, and then said, "I see."

   "By the way, did you find someone who taught you how to make clothes?"

"not yet."

   "I have a suitable person here, but she is not willing to accept apprentices, nor is she willing to teach people how to make clothes, but she is willing to meet you, so do you want to try?"

   "Yes." Liu Ermei replied without hesitation after hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words.

   "Okay, I'll take you to see her the morning after tomorrow."

  Second Sister Liu nodded after hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, and then she asked Lu Xiaoxiao, "Xiaoxiao, what do I need to bring when I come home for the first time?"

   "It's all right, but don't bring too much, or the other party will think you're flattering her."

   "I see, I will bring a soft pastry."

  After hearing what Liu Ermei said, Lu Xiaoxiao thought it was very good, so she nodded to Liu Ermei, and then she heard the bell for getting off work.

  So while packing things, he said to Second Sister Liu: "Second Sister, my master lives in my house now, so I want to go home early to accompany Master, so I won't go with you."

   "Okay, go home quickly, and say hello to your master for me."

  Lu Xiaoxiao nodded after hearing Liu Ermei's words, and then she went home with her bag on her back.

  (end of this chapter)

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