Reborned as an Orphan Girl With a Spatial Pocket!

Chapter 4287: a large sum of money

  Chapter 4287 Earned a lot of money

  At around seven in the evening, Lu Xiaoxiao saw that Professor Zhang and Professor Wang were still sitting and chatting in the living room, and now there was only half an hour left before the delivery time.

  If she doesn't go out now, then today's transaction can only be cancelled, which she doesn't want to see.

  So she could only bite the bullet and said to Professor Zhang and Professor Wang: "Third Master, Fourth Master, I have something to go out for."

   "You go, pay attention to safety on the road."

   "I see, thank you Third Master." After Lu Xiaoxiao finished speaking, she quickly walked out of the house.

  Professor Wang glanced at the professor after Lu Xiaoxiao left, and then said, "You have changed really fast."

   "Is it okay if I don't change? Do you think girl Xiao will listen to me?"

   "No, so it's right for you to do this, we are like a little girl at this age, we have long been in charge of our own affairs.

  So if you want the young eagle to spread its wings and fly high, you can't restrain it, otherwise the tiger will also grow into a cat. "

   "I see, it's getting late, so I'll go back to my room and go to sleep." Professor Zhang got up and walked towards the room after speaking.

After Professor Zhang entered the room, Professor Wang wanted to steal a drink, but when he thought of Lu Xiaoxiao's calm face, he stopped thinking about stealing a drink, because he was afraid that he would drink it all in the future. I can't afford such a good wine.

  In short, he will not admit that he is afraid of Lu Xiaoxiao.

"Aqi... Ahqi..." Lu Xiaoxiao, who was on her way, suddenly sneezed twice. She thought she had a cold, so she quickly took out a shirt from the space and put it on, and then continued to walk towards the designated place. place to go.

When she arrived at the designated place, she saw that there were still 12 minutes left before the delivery time, so she released her mental power and looked around, and saw that there was no one around, so she took the goods out of the space. Take it all out.

  After she took out all the goods, she heard the sound of the engine one after another. It seems that Manager Xie has prepared enough tonight, otherwise he would not have driven so many cars at once.

   A few minutes later, Lu Xiaoxiao saw five trucks parked in front of her, and Manager Xie got off from the truck in the middle.

  So she beckoned to Guanshi Xie, and then said to Guanshi Xie, "Boss Xie, I'm here."

   After hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, Steward Xie walked towards Lu Xiaoxiao quickly. When he walked in front of Lu Xiaoxiao, he asked Lu Xiaoxiao, "Master Xiao, have all the goods arrived?"

   "Everything is here, but are you the only one to pull the goods?"

   "Yes, for safety reasons, so I came alone."

  After hearing Guanshi Xie's words, Lu Xiaoxiao was very satisfied with Guanshi Xie's actions. Although she was not afraid of trouble, she hated trouble, so what Guanshi Xie did was exactly what she wanted.

  So she said to Guanshi Xie, "Boss Xie, you can let people move the goods."

   "Okay, I'll let someone move the goods." Manager Xie went to arrange for people to move the goods after he finished speaking.

   More than an hour later, Guanshi Xie saw that all the goods had been loaded onto the car, and then he asked Lu Xiaoxiao, "Master Xiao, should the money and old things be sent to your house, or should they be handed over to you here?"

   "Leave it to me right here."

"Okay." After Guanshi Xie finished speaking, he asked people to unload the dozen or so boxes he brought from the car, and then said to Lu Xiaoxiao: "Master Xiao, take a look at the money and old things. I'll go without a problem."

  After hearing Guanshi Xie's words, Lu Xiaoxiao quickly checked the things, and saw that there was no problem, and the value was more than 100,000 yuan, so she said to Guanshi Xie, "No problem."

   "Then I'll go first."


  (end of this chapter)

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