Rebuild the Upgrade Path

Chapter 161: Yun Miao Yi Meng

Yunmiao Temple is located on the outskirts of Kyoto, but there are still many people coming from the city, wanting to come here to burn a stick of incense, especially at the time of the year, all wanting to come to ask for a good sign. Of course, such a continuous flow of traffic also adds a boost to the already congested capital traffic...

Facts have proved that everyone knows where he is, and anyone can go to his peerless master. Every day is very busy. When we were sitting across the room, talking and drinking tea, someone came over and wanted to see him. On the one hand, it was reported by the monks in the temple, and Master Ruyan's unified reply was: "Wait, old friends come, go back later."

Duan Qingtian is a military figure. Yu Hao’s Qiankun Hanhai Pavilion and Qin Mufeng’s Yunding Mountain were not able to go if they wanted to. Just go, don’t you have to come and see? !

Of course, those who came must be practitioners, or were very close to practitioners. Most people came here for the whole temple, not for one person. They don't even know what the best in the world.

Fortunately, Master, the old man may have said it by himself, or his strength is unknown, and he is not on the End of the World rankings. Otherwise, the threshold of a Zhacai shop would be broken by visitors!

In just five minutes, Master Ruyan had blocked three waves of visitors.

I watched the monk outside the door hearing Master Ruyan’s answer, but only agreed and walked away, asking a little worried: "Master, is this all right? Am I bothering you too much."

Master Ruyan didn't care about it himself, she still said with a smile: "It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, I haven't seen an old friend of Tiantong for a long time. I am also happy to see his disciple today."

"Don't dare to be, Zhesha kid, but, won't they wait and rush?" I said, and glanced outside the door.

Master Ruyan looked at me, was silent for a while, then blinked suddenly, took a sip from the teacup, put it down and said, "They won't, here, there won't be that kind of negative emotions."

I frowned, thinking what I meant by this, and thinking of the peaceful scenery that I saw when I came here. Could it be that in such an atmosphere, they would not become so anxious? However, people’s personalities are fixed, in case there are so many people...

At this time, Master Ruyan suddenly showed a helpless expression and asked: "When you came, did you feel for a moment that you were not in this world, but in a fairyland."

Does this mean... the feeling I felt before the monk called me? !

"...Yes!" There was a faint feeling in my heart.

Master Ruyan looked at me and was silent for a few seconds before saying: "That's an illusion."

The voice was flat and unremarkable, but he could clearly feel the helplessness that came from the depths of his heart and the sadness that came from the soul when he said this sentence.

"Illusion..." I murmured and repeated it.

"Yes, illusion." Master Ruyan nodded, "The entire Yunmiao Temple was covered by my spells and illusions. In this illusion, people would feel very relaxed and happy. It is so beautiful, there is no anger, no deceit, no sadness, no depression... All negative emotions will disappear, it is a fairyland on earth."

Yes, this is how I feel. So, those visitors who are waiting at this time are also immersed in this atmosphere, so they will not feel anxious.

"Everyone wants their life to be like this, don't they?" Master Ruyan looked at me and asked.

"Yes." I replied.

"This is simply a beautiful dream, isn't it? How many people hope to die in this Nanke dream, because this dream is so beautiful, so good that we feel that real life is so bad and so enchanting disgust."

I nodded: "Well, yes, there is everything in my dreams."

"But even if I created this dream for them, they still have to wake up. When they leave Yunmiao Temple, this feeling will gradually disappear. They have to face reality again and gain and lose. This is really true. The most painful thing in the world, so they will come again, as an addiction."

Having said this, Master Ruyan's eyes dimmed, and he bowed his head silently, vaguely as if there were tears rolling down, but there were none.

It turns out... those people are all living in such a dream, those who come in an endless stream, those pious people who worship three steps and one prostrate five steps, all for this dream. Maybe, if it wasn't for me to be awakened by the monk when I was about to dream, I am afraid I would fall into such a dream.

"Then, why did you make this illusion and let them all fall into this kind of dream?"

"These are side effects."

"side effect?"

"Yes..." Master Ruyan raised his head, and in his eyes, there was another kind of sadness and helplessness.

"I set up this illusion for the sake of this temple. I want to make it peaceful and beautiful without negative emotions. You know what it was like when I didn't set up this illusion?!"

When Master Ruyan said this, his voice was excited! It is because he has gained the Taoist monk, and the four are empty. Regardless of seven emotions and six desires, he is actually excited at this time.

"Receive tickets, buy and sell incense candles. When those people came in, they were laughing and joking, making unseasonable jokes, and some of them said something unbelievable! The Buddha is pure! There is no such thing as a pure land!"

"So, you did this illusion?"

"Yes, after having this illusion, this place has become regular, and it has become a real clean land, but side effects have also appeared..." Master Ruyan said here, the excited flame extinguished again , The look dimmed again.

"They want this dream so much. Some people even want to be a monk in this dream forever. How can I accept it? A monk has to see through the world and enter Buddhism with all his heart, but they are just For this dream, they have their lives and destiny, but because of me... alas!"

Master Ruyan can’t go on, and I feel a little uneasy when I hear here. What happened to those who wanted to come here but were rejected...

Since they all want to stay in this dream for the rest of their lives, they must no longer tolerate everything outside, and now, this road is not working, and they don’t want to go back, will they just...

"Sin, people's hearts are like this. The pursuit of fame and fortune is just for a better life, for the sake of having the law in the face of things, for the sake of one less person to take care of yourself... I drew such a cake for them, but Cruelly in front of them, threw this cake out."

"Oh, there is a saying that the iron-clad general goes to the pass at night, the courtiers show the coldness of the five, and the monks in the mountains and temples have not risen. It is not as good as the leisure...

Master Ruyan looked at the tea in the cup on the table. The tea faintly reflected his face. He shook his head slightly and said, "Speaking of which, the land of Buddhism must rely on the illusion to keep it clean, ironic! Ironic! !"

"This is not a Buddhism problem either." I said. "It's a human problem. If a person does not have a sense of awe, he will also have no faith. Without faith, there will be no rules for himself. If a person has no rules for himself, then any foreign rules will be There is no way to restrain him."

"This is people's problem, their fault. Master, if you change for the sake of mistakes, it can only be a mistake. Things like illusion will only lead this mistake to other places, and even bigger mistakes will occur! It's just that, It is too difficult to make up for this mistake. We don't have the power to make everyone have that kind of awe."

If... the entire world is shrouded in this illusion, people will naturally change, but in this way, this world will surely exist soon!

Living in a dream is impossible to continue.

Master Ruyan raised his head, looked at me, for a while, and said: "You have not dreamed. If everyone is like you, it will be fine."

"I hope so too. No one has taught me that, but I know that people must have a sense of awe, I dare not forget." I laughed.

"Well, you deserve it." Master Ruyan said naturally.


No... what do you mean by me?

and many more! He and my master are old friends. My master knows who I am. Could it be...

"Do you know who I am?" I asked.

Master Ruyan did not answer my words directly, but said: "The time required for practitioners to fall into the illusion is indeed a little longer than that of ordinary people, but I have never seen someone called when they are about to fall into the illusion. Even Duan Qingtian couldn't do it when he woke up."

After speaking, he looked at me with a smile. And I was shocked after hearing these words.

Even Duan Qingtian, who is second only to Master Ruyan, can't do it, but I can easily get out of the environment. This, is this the blood and soul power brought by my previous life identity!

"Then... what about my master, my master..."

Before I finished speaking, Master Ruyan interrupted: "My mana is not as strong as your master, so how can I let him fall into the illusion."


Because of my low magic power, I fell into the illusion, but when I was about to enter the illusion, the original power from my previous life pulled me out!

Master Ruyan drank the remaining tea in his cup and said, "I am honored to meet you."

I have used honorific words in my address, I must know it.

"Don't dare, I'm always a junior. The master has a busy schedule, so I won't bother you. The master should go and see the visitors, otherwise they will become addicted to this illusion in a while." I said. , Is to get up to leave.

Master Ruyan also got up and folded his hands together, saying: "Amitabha Buddha, listen to the words of the monarch and win a ten-year study. It is not me or Buddhism that is wrong, but people. I know, but this mistake is extremely difficult to correct. I can’t dismantle the illusion because I don’t know what will happen, but one day in the future, maybe it will come when the illusion is not needed."

"hope so."


In this way, my visit is over. I didn't expect that Yunmiao Temple, which has always been known as the number one temple in the world, has such an inside story. How can anyone know the illusion that Duan Qingtian can't discover and break?

When I went down the mountain, I looked at the people who were still walking up the mountain. I couldn’t help feeling sorry for them. This mistake was not in them, but in a deeper place, in their growth environment, in their three-view training...

I can only hope that this error can really be corrected in the future. Hurry up, end this dream...

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