Rebuild the Upgrade Path

Chapter 162: Four agents

"Here is a spicy beef, a plate of twice-cooked pork, another hot and sour potato shreds, and rice!"

In the evening, I was the first one to come to the restaurant on our level. After showing my room card, I ordered food here in Bianzhai. I have a silly mouth, I can’t tell the good or bad, but it seems to be better than the one below, and the dishes on the dishes seem to look better.

As a result, just after eating two mouthfuls, there was such a sound outside, and it filled his ears, and after walking around, he saw Xue Biao walking in in a disrespectful manner.

"Yeah, you are here too." He saw me too.

"Come, come and eat together." He walked over and sat down a little away from me. The waiter had brought rice and chopsticks and waited before him.

The rice here is enough. Generally, northern restaurants are sold in bowls by bowls. I have also been to southern cities, Suzhou-Hangzhou area and Nandu. The rice there is a big bowl at a time. Tim, really worthy of being a land of fish and rice! But even though it is in the north, there are not many people who can eat here, and they are all big rice buckets, so this system is also used.

However, it is not about how much you eat and dig in one bowl at a time, but it is still one bowl by bowl, and someone will continue to eat it immediately after eating a bowl. You can take care of it until you are full.

"Come and I will taste the dishes you ordered, and you will eat what I ordered later." Xue Biao pulled the dishes in front of me a little bit to his side, using a pair of chopsticks flexibly, and started eating.

I don’t know anyone else. Anyway, if I eat half of my meal and my friend comes, it’s okay to eat together, and it’s not a meal, it’s not expensive to eat, not to mention everyone ordering it, just like a party. .

Obviously, Xue Biao is the same, and he has surpassed...

"You... this can be eaten because of your physique, or because of your skills." I asked him hesitantly, looking at him with amazing combat effectiveness.

Xue Biao was also Duan Qingtian's apprentice, and he learned Duan Qingtian's famous technique-the King Kong Dragon Elephant Technique. If this is because of the exercises, wouldn't they be able to eat all of them in this vein? !

At this time Xue Biao waved his hand and said with a meal in his mouth: "No, it's because of my greed."


This is so... it makes sense.

Later, I learned that, in order to eat all the delicious food without getting fat, and not being unable to taste the next one because he was full, he went to visit the famous mountains to learn a spell.

Eating wildly is not fat, and you can eat a lot of things without feeling stressed. After overeating, you can get the same amount of meals without eating or feel hungry.

To put it another way, after practicing this technique, his stomach has become a large storage tank that has not found its limit so far. There is a marking in it. If it is below this marking, it is extremely hungry. And above this marking, it is still There is a mark, and when you get here, you are full. This is the stomach of an average person. If his stomach exceeds this mark, he won't have any other feelings. You can keep putting it in, but it won't hold up anyway. But the daily consumption is constant.

In other words, as long as he eats one day's meal at a time, he does not eat anything that day; if he eats for five days at a time, he does not eat for five days. Of course, you can eat...

Only when food cannot be eaten due to special events and the storage in the stomach is below that mark, will you feel hungry, and if it is below the next mark, you will be extremely hungry.

"I remember that you weren't like this last time. Why are you now like a starving ghost who has never seen the world." I looked at Xue Biao, who was eating up and eating, and felt a little confused. I used to think that Duan Qingtian was a high-cold leader, how could he be so grounded; I originally thought Nie Ze was a strategist like Zhuge Liang, but...

Isn't the current trend of collapse?

"Hey, it was in front of outsiders, especially Han Fei and the two of them. Shouldn’t I hold them? There are no more people now. Let me relax a little bit. I have to be so serious when I eat. Isn’t it too tired? "Xue Biao chewed the fried chicken I ordered, looking at me and said.

After speaking, he vomited his bones, thought about it, and said, "Brother, on our floor, not only the two of us, but also the two in the Chinese division. They are different from us. They are older than me in terms of seniority. It's a lot, old treacherous and cunning. You can't have a deep friendship with them, it's best not to associate at all, just know that there are such two people."

"Well, I got it."

After a while, the food I ordered was also served. We ate for a while and talked for a while, and there were footsteps outside.

The footsteps were a little messy, and there was not just one person. As expected, two people walked in at the door. They are all dressed in the same black suit and black trousers, lined with a white shirt and leather shoes under their feet. They are all combing their big backs, and they don't know how much hair spray or wax they have applied. They are shiny and reflective, and looking at the hardness, they feel that they can be used as knives.

With this kind of virtue, it looks like a person who buys insurance, and the whole person reflects the four words-polite! There are four more words-gentle scum!

The two are tall and short, of similar build, neither fat nor thin, but of medium build. The taller one, about 1.75 meters tall, wears a pair of gold glasses on the beam, small eyes and a garlic nose. His eyes are shrewd and treacherous, and his face is pale. As soon as this man came in, he looked at me suspiciously. He probably hadn't seen me before, so look at me more.

The short one looked less than one meter and seven feet tall. From the aspect of appearance, he was a little older than the tall one. The head was big, not in proportion to the figure, big eyes, thick lips, dark skin, and taller man. Although he noticed me as soon as he came in, he just glanced at me and didn't pay too much attention to it. Instead, he set his sights on...a female Shadow Army serving as a waiter...

The two of them walked to a table a little away from us and sat down. Xue Biao suddenly seemed to be choked by a meal. He suddenly covered his mouth with his hand and coughed violently, but with that forcing sound into his ears. The law told me the situation of the two of them.

"The two people, the taller is Lei Ming, the Luocheng native, the shorter is Chen Wenhua, and the Chang'an native. The two have similar personalities. After being selected as the agent of the Chinese division, they quickly got together and became known by the locals. "Black and White Shuangsha", although the character is not bad, but there are many minor problems."

I watched Chen Wenhua order food, and kept staring at the female Shadow Army. Sure enough, I didn't do anything bad, but there were a lot of minor problems.

At this moment, the tall Lei Ming suddenly raised his head to look at me, just facing my eyes. In a moment, I felt that there seemed to be two golden lights in his eyes, flying out, before I could react. It blends into my eyes, the next moment it enters the brain.

But at this moment, the mobile phone in my heart shook, and a purple-red halo spread out from my heart, flashing up and down like lightning, covering my whole body. At this time, the two golden lights just merged into my eyes. , The next moment, it was ejected by this purple halo barrier...

Where did you come from? Where do you go back! How come you can roll back in a faster way!

The two golden lights returned the same way at a speed twice as fast as when they came, and returned to Lei Ming's eyes as if they fled, leaving no one and a half inches in my place...

This is very embarrassing.

Lei Ming was beaten back then! Two golden lights pierced back into the pupils, and in an instant, a needle pierced into the eye socket, painful, and two lines of tears remained. Lei Ming hurriedly covered his eyes with his hands, lowered his head and said nothing, not wanting others to see the strangeness.

But in fact, you can see what you want to see, and you can’t see what you don’t want to see. There are four of us, and we are the parties involved. Chen Wenhua didn’t pay attention to it at all, and Xue Biao... Live him? !

"You actually bounced Lei Ming's soul-searching golden light, it's not bad." Xue Biao calmly said to me, and continued to eat while talking.

"It's nothing, thanks to the skill I have practiced in body protection, otherwise it will be his way, uh...what did you just say? Soul Search Golden Light?"

"Yes, the soul search golden light, Lei Ming's spell, two golden light shot, from the eyes into the brain, and then force into the heart, control all the veins of the whole body, and finally plunge into the soul. Once in the soul, this person will always He will know everything about him, and he can control his soul, determine life and death, and even control his body!"

After speaking, Xue Biao put down the chopsticks in his hand, his face solemn: "Before, I don't know how many people died like this. There was a crack in the soul, and he died in extreme pain, or he was controlled by his body. With his best friends, Family members killed each other. Although they were all enemies, they were still too cruel."

I looked at Lei Ming, who was still covering his eyes, and felt a little palpitating for a while. If he was really successful just now, wouldn’t it be...

"Then Lei Ming learned these weird, weird, and cruel spells, while Chen Wenhua is the exact opposite of him. What he cultivates is hard work outside of his body, plus his natural divine power, it is really inappropriate. Brave. Both black and white evil spirits, powerful mandarin, Lei Ming is fierce... this is famous in the Chinese division."

At this moment, that Lei Ming almost slowed down, wiped his eyes with his hand, got up and walked over, stood beside me, looked at me coldly, and said, "This one has never seen it before. Is it a new agent?"

"Yes, Guo Rui from Yancheng, now lives in Jicheng." I said.

Lei Ming squinted his eyes and looked at Xue Biao again: "I remember it didn't take long for this new agent to come up. You already know him so well?"

"Hmph, it's true that he was elected as an agent. I was the one who gave Ling Jian to him. Are you familiar with him?"

"...So that's the case." Lei Ming looked at him again, and then at me. He didn't know what he was thinking, and then some strange light flashed in his eyes, and he returned to his position.

"What does he mean?" I asked Xue Biao in a forced tone.

"How do I know what he wants to do? Didn’t I say that if I don’t have a deep friendship, I don’t have a deep friendship, so how can I know what he thinks, as long as there is nothing wrong, since the soul search golden light can’t help you, then He can't hurt you at all, don't worry."

"I always feel uncomfortable being watched by someone like him."

"Who isn't it? By the way, it’s the first time you attended the annual meeting. You should be unclear about the process. Leave them alone. I will tell you about the arrangements for the annual meeting. Tomorrow is a small year. The annual meeting will be here The days are open, and there is nothing in the morning, mainly the lunch at noon. In fact, it is not a real annual meeting. It just gathers all the representatives of the Shadow Army here for a meal and then speaks. The real annual meeting is The characters that started from the agent, at dinner time that day, that is the highlight!"

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